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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I never for a moment believed that Pakistan did not know he was there and did not know we were comming. The whole set up thing sounds a bit much. I was also skeptical of the positive ID, shipping the body to the carrier and burial at sea timeline.
  2. Five? Going for quantity and quality Exile White album Being there Physical graffiti Folsom prison It would be an entirely different list if going for aesthetics
  3. Not all human life is held in the same regard by all people. So I see "sanctity of human life" as a trite phrase to be used situationally.
  4. My point is and always has been that some dork like me posting on a message board that Ted Cruz hates America or some insignificant blogger doing the same thing does not carry the same weight as ben Carson, Sarah Palin or Fox News saying the same thing. It seems as though this sort of rhetoric Is far more common coming from the right from their leadership their news station etc... It is almost, if not completely non-existent coming from the leadership on the left. McCain almost had me at one point during his campaign when people were shouting out their weird bs comments at a rally when he s
  5. So, no you don't have any examples of democrat leaders/candidates saying the other guys don't love their country. Just loose inferences. Btw media websites are not the same as leaders saying stuff like that. Fox News or ABC etc count because of their reach, but again I don't see the liberal media calling out Ben Carson and saying he hates his country. I think it's clear who does this and it's a top down process to fire up the base. And by base I am thinking adjective.
  6. Have you heard that from leaders and candidates for both parties? Or just from talk about town? Seems to me that this is a talking point for one party at the present time...leaders, candidates and followers.
  7. When nothing comes of this the rhetoric will change to toss accolades at the stout patriots who caught wind of the plot and saved Texas. Couple that with a new Obama failure storyline (for not being able to carry out his nefarious plan to force Texas to join the US) and it's all good.
  8. Glyn Johns Sound Man, kind of boring and not written very well.
  9. I've seen them 2x once at the end if the Farewell to Kings tour, last show at Alpine Valley and then in 83 or 84 at Las Cruces NM. Fiest show was a blast. The band was energized and seemed to have a lot of fun. The second time kind of sucked. They were not the same band or even a close approximation of the same band, so I lost interest then. 30 years later I'm just starting to listen to them again, but not too much. In s fairness though my Musical interests changed quite a bit between the age of 17 when I first saw them and 22 or 23 the second time.
  10. I have been at the very front leaning on the stage for many shows including but not limited to Wilco, X, Shane McGowan and the Popes, bare Jr. and Jason and the scorchers, but I have only once actually had tickets that were front row. It was for Peter Frampton in 1980 or 81. I didn't go because I lost interest between the time I got the tickets and the date of the show. My friends had a good time though.
  11. The notion that blacks voted for Obama because he is black is a fairly racist notion. Gore received 92% of the black vote and Kerry 88%. More blacks may have actually voted in the Ibama elections than previously, but that can be due to inspiration. I saw an article today questioning why Hispanics are not getting on board with Rubio and Cruz. The answers are simple, but elude those who think ethnic groups should vote a certain way. Cruz and Rubio are both Cubans while the vast majority of US Hispanics are of Mexican decent. Both Cruz and Rubio's immigration stances are offensive to the the
  12. Nice to see a little love for Weller & The Jam. For me the Jam... Eaton Rifles That's Entertainment Start Going Underground In the Crowd For Weller... Science Talisman Peacock Suit Its Written In the Stars Find the Torch, Burn the Plans Replacements... Bastards of Young Unsatisfied Black Diamond I'll be you Nobody
  13. I had some bud (almost 2 cases) in cans for some reason. Don't know where it came from, but I didn't want it. So rather than pour it out I took them out back and shot them all. I won't drink it or torture my Plumbing with it.
  14. B double E double R U N Beer run.
  15. Benefits... My wife get benefits through m employer that she would not get without being married.
  16. The govt is involved because of the contract nature of marriage. Without the license think Of the fraud that would result. I believe that all church's should have the right to refuse to marry anyone. The Catholic Church will not marry non Catholics without them going through that class. The procreation argument is fallacious, my aunt was unable to have children but was married in the church anyway. No possibility of procreation yet...
  17. The ones who get me are the ones who bring up Clinton signing an identical law back in... well, if it's the same law, then why would Indiana feel the need to pass the law again on a state level? The answer is because its not the same law and it has been written specifically to discriminate.
  18. Saw Zappa back in 81 or so. At the end of the main set some guy ran on stage and handed Zappa something. When the band came back on Zappa chewed out security for letting the guy get on stage. He said the guy handed him a marihuana cigarette that he had no use for and tore up the J on stage. I thought that was pretty cool of Zappa, so many people have an exagerated view of what they think he was, and he had no qualms about publicly setting the record straight.
  19. Wrong wrong wrong, when will you realize that almost all of you are wrong all the time.
  20. Consider the information presented regarding the federal budget. Then note that social security and Medicare have specific taxes dedicated to them, but for those taxes they probably do not exist. Now remove both of them from the pie chart and them start the discussion again. im out of this ridiculous argument again... And of course I'm wrong, cue the reasons why 3...2...1...
  21. I don't believe this was their intention but when I was in the service an AMF was an Ahole MotherFer. We used it pretty freely then.
  22. If you buy it at best buy there is a code inside the disc package to send away for a 7" single. For Venus and Mars the single is Letting Go. You order on line and pay for shipping, 4.25 for one. As to the actual disc Venus and Mars sounds decent. Have not heard it in 35 years or so but still remember most of the lyrics, which means I listened to it too much back then. Definately sounds like a 70's record.
  23. Neither do I I'm just observing his infallibility and in the world I grew up in only one being was infallible. Just an observation. By the way saying someone deserves a fair hearing and then unequivocally declaring them a deserter is not logical nor fair and is actually calling that person names, or labeling them without due process. No one on a fucking message board has the power to declare someone guilty or innocent that's for other people to decide. Declaring them without question to be guilty is to join in the lynch mob, which is bullshit.
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