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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Hixter is god, apparently infallible and never ever wrong.
  2. The Taliban are who we are fighting over there they are not a terrorist organization in the eyes of out government, they are simply the enemy. Our media has declared them terrorists, but those guys are POWs and would have been freed anyway. Anyone who says this makes things more dangerous for our troops is an idiot, those people are already fighting us and trying to kill our troops, this exchange adds nothing to the danger level, except to arm idiots with rhetoric of course.
  3. I was in the army then. My first listen came with a group of friends couple cases of beer in the desert outside the El Paso airport under the stars.
  4. Mt Washburn, not Washington. Great views
  5. It's hard typing on an iPhone when you have big hands/fingers. My daughter highly recommends the taco bus in west Yellowstone for lunch/dinner.
  6. Wind River is not in Yellowstone and is an entire vacation in itself. The obvious: old faithful , Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, mammoth. If you enjoy hiking hike away from the main viewing points for a different perspective. Hike the overlook above old faithful and see it erupt from above. We hiked away from artist point and had lunch siting on the edge of the Grand Canyon, quiet and beautiful. At the old faithful geyser basin we probably saw 20 eruptions of various geysers when we were there. Geyser nerds abound and can let you know when they are getting ready to blow. Depending on you
  7. I've gotten a couple more I subscribed to Dave Picks and picked up the acoustic set from earlier this year or Kate last year. I like some and dislike some. Still trying to make up my mind. Not sure if I understand others obsessions yet.
  8. This belongs in the blasphemy thread
  9. Oh Exene...an armed society is not a polite society it's a society where people are intimidated into silence, unless of course you are armed then you have all the answers.
  10. A buddy was right in front of the Fox when they announced that tickets for the Stones were going on sale in 15 minutes. He parked right in front and was first or second In line, got front row.
  11. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion is another one I have a hard time understanding the appeal.
  12. I have no problem with this, they evoke very strong emotions both ways. To me they have become a caracature of themselves and of what many people believe a rock band to be.
  13. Dogs to me is a song that is long but does not feel long. St I'll maybe my favorite Floyd album. Probably because I was coming into my own when I first heard it and have quite a few memories surrounding it.
  14. I don't think I said I can't stand MBV, I just don't get the praise at all.
  15. I still like Classic Floyd, but I have never really listened to the wall. To me it's full of filler and I always cut it down to a dozen or so tracks that I waned to hear. I never really needed the whole story after the first few listens. Maybe this belongs in the blasphemy thread.
  16. I don't really hate anyone but for the life of me I don't get the acclaim directed at Bright Eyes, My Bloody Valentine, Sir Paul solo, Soundgarden and others I can not think if now.
  17. None I listen and rotate. I might not hear an album for a year or two but eventually I come back to them
  18. Black flag? I heard the Eagles would reunite when he'll froze over
  19. Saw Billy Bob Thorton drumming for Tres Hombres in 85 or 86
  20. No Processed food for me, I'm going straight to cannibalism!
  21. I don't think KISS is in the HOF for music, or that is the least of the reasons. I think they are in for the theater of their live shows. Their marketing, their business model, etc...
  22. Big fan, got her two albums and the ep. Very entertaining.
  23. For the TV show Preppers? To deploy to Afghanistan? To go to Nevada to deal with those ass clowns?
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