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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Ok Bad songs... Mas Tequilla - Sammy Hager I Drink Alone - George Thorogood Better SOng That Elton John song where he sings about trying to get whiskey fom a bottle of wine. Ozzy - Suicide Solution
  2. Gee, you're right on every topic, as always. You should be made emporer for life. And yes one of us has chronic kidney stones and we are getting major treatment a couple times a year. Last year the gallbladder surgury (misdiagnosis by the doc who knows full weel the kidneystone history.) followed by the lipotripsy was way up there when you add in all the tests and such. BEsides the HSA's are per family.
  3. The arithmetic is simple $2.5trillion, that's 2,500,000,000,000, spent annually on health care in the US. Divide that by 300million people and you get $8,333 per person. For me my family of 4 that comes out to $33,332. That $5,000 credit looks like what it is.
  4. No because it does not cover mechanicals/wear and tear. It is nto covered if you put the wrong oil or other fluids in either.
  5. 100% agreement. Not one player would surprise me, pitcher, position players, stars, scrubs. Heck in all honesty they would almost have to be crazy not to have tried it. Think about it, maybe $10grand a year for the juice and $50 - $100g for trainers (which they most likely already have) to bump your wages into the seven and eight figure range? It's an investment that when it pays off it pays off big. If there was a drug that would allow me to do taxes at a level where I could earn $10mil a year I would seriously think about it. If all of my co-workers and competitors were using it, I wou
  6. Reading this discussion is tedious but here are my only comments on the issues. 1) MSA’s or any similar accounts are not designed to help employees save for health care costs in a tax deferred manner. They are sold that way, but it is painfully obvious from reading about them and the philosophy behind them that they are a cost shifting mechanism. It is why you hear of them talked about at the same time as they talk about ending corporate deductions for health insurance. Besides these accounts are not even close to being large enough to cover health insurance let alone all the additional co
  7. Where I live they do this and use golf carts also. Can really slow up traffic waiting for a yardman with a 30" deck to make it's right turn.
  8. well, Al was not the party's choice for VP and regardless of whether you like him or not (i am not particularlly a fan) the guys is very intelligent. So the dems elect Franken and republicans are in an uproar. But what about Gopher? Sonny Bono? or other bad b-list actors? Where is the outrage there? None I suspect.
  9. My wife and I want to start to try some fine dining once a month or so and looked at this place. It's on our list, but not sure when we willl hit it.
  10. That Joke was very funny. I'm sorry to disagree, but it is almost always what she says that does not make sense. She frequently does not know the details, but more often than not she is also unaware of the big picture.
  11. Marlins? Do they have more than 2 or 3 people who post there?
  12. Sadly by all appearances they forgot this day by the time they set up the peace agreement at the end of the war thus laying the foundation for the next war.
  13. The scary thing to me is that I know a lot of people who think that she makes 100% sense. Of course some of these people were openly wishing for McCain to win and then get asassinated. I don't think Biden is dumb nor do I think he says dumb things all of the time. He says dumb things often, but not all the time and no one I have ever heard in the real world has accused him of not being a sharp guy. It is entirely possible to be very smart but not articulate and that is how I see him and I see Palin as being neither.
  14. now this may be the elitist speaking, but the law degree counts for something as does his many years in the senate as well as his life story. Yes, he does say things that are not quite right, but more often than not he sounds coherent while Ms P is rarely coherent and all too frequently she just plain makes stuff up. Biden would never be surprised or taken aback by a simple question like "what news papers do you read?" On Stewart the other day they had asegment on the Palin goodbye picknick and one of her supporters said the pres treated her unfairly, whereby the interviewer said something
  15. I used to read some of the WAPO columns, George Will and Kathleen Parker always wrote well and usually were enjoyable to read. Telnes cartoons were usually good and I enjoyed Froomkin mainly because he brought together columns and stories from a wide variety of sources. Anyhow when they fired Froomkin for "business" reasons, I could pretty well guess that there were no "business" reasons about it as he was 100% web based, so I stopped reading the paper online or off. Quit it cold turkey. I had long ago come to the conclusion that Fred Hiat was an ass and not very good at being a true newsp
  16. Or if you believe in conspiracy theories, King Karl could reproduce it on a typewriter and send it to Rather through nefarious back chanels and then expose it to cast doubt on the media... I'm not a conspiracy guy though, no second gunman, no 47 year plot in the making to out a foreign born muslim in the white house to bring the country down from within and Rather screwed up. Though what was lost in the whole mess was the secretary say ing that she had prepared a report just like that one, only that was not her report. Too late now though.
  17. That is politics, which is not to say it is right. Though there are things done by the current admin that Bush did, like give money to the banking industry with no strings attached, that I thought was dead wrong then and I still think is dead wrong. Sometimes if one admin does something you find disagreeable and the next administration does the same thing, it may become more palatable if you get a better explanation or even if the times have changed and the actions are called for legitimately or seem to be. Even the most ardent Bush and Obama supporters would agree that the Bush administrat
  18. 1. First Concert, when? Pink Floyd 1977 2. First Concert you really wanted to go to and did? Pink Floyd 1977 3. Favorite Band? Depends on the day, but Bruce and Neil Young have been consistently at the top. 4. How Many Times have you seen them? 2 – 3 times each 5. Worst concert you attended? Van Halen – Women and Children first – Champaign IL 6. Favorite concert you attended?? Probably the Judybats at the Metro 92 or so 7. Band you have seen the most? REM 8. How many times? 6 9. Furthest you drove for a concert? How far? 3 Hours 10. Furthest locale from home you have seen a
  19. But here's the rub...its not Obama so any speculation on reaction is just that, purely speculative.
  20. Beuhrle & Koufax the only pitchers since 54 to pitch two no hitters while facing the minimum number of batters (27). Not bad company to be keeping. Note: I know that Beuhrle is no Koufax.
  21. Generally I like the classics, my favorite is still the original Czar...Ceasar. Anyhow you would thing the whole "Czar" issue is brand spankin new and had never occurred before 1/20/09. My personal opinion on this is that the term Czar is overblown. Czars in America! Tuesday, June 16, 2009 By Jean Hayworth The Obama administration has just appointed another Czar – Kenneth Feinberg, as the Compensation Czar. Feinberg took care of the disbursement of funds to 9/11 victims by personally reviewing each claim and then allocating funds totaling more than seven billion. In the new posit
  22. Dobby’s dead? Damn. I’ve read all the books and seen all the movies. As the books became more expansive the movies have veered more from the detailed telling of the story, otherwise I think each movie could easily be 4 – 5 hours long. Anyhow, it’s been a while since I read HBP so the details were a bit sketchy to me, but overall the movie was decent. I could see where it veered away from the story and am really not enough of a purist to be too upset about it. I do think that once they discover the word Horcrux, that the story rapidly moved towards its conclusion, which is not how I reme
  23. OK I'll admit, statistically I might be wrong. AL teams this year are averaging 17 more homers, 17 LESS sacrafice hits and 8 LESS intentional walks per TEAM for the season. However they are hitting 7 points higher, OBP is 5 points higher, 28 fewer strikeouts, 13 SB (14 Attempts)4 fewer walks etc... blah blah blah. To me this shows that in some categories, notably scrifice's the NL appears to play more "small" or traditional bseball. But in other area's the AL apppears to have the edge. Overall I would say the NL probably bunts more, or at least is more sucessful with their bunting. If th
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