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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Michael Steele's response... Some in the Republican Party are happy about this. I am not. Let
  2. It's linkin Park BTW and my kids listen to them and Nickleback, sorry but I don't criticise my kids tastes, I may try to guide them, but regardless bands like this slip through the saftey net. Anyhow these bands become popular because they play to a wider audience. I've learned over the years that I don't have the same tastes as the general public at large. My tastes tend to be more raw and exotic than those around me. Many of the people I know have never heard of most of the bands I listen to. And compared to people here most of the bands I listen to are probably closer to the mainstream
  3. Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans. That says it all for me. I followed a similar path except I left in the late 1990's rather than waiting for what is occuring today. I also hope that this does not give the democrats a fillibuster prroof majority. I hate rubber stamp congresses and am still baffled that Bush was able to have a ru
  4. Just Texas? I think all over the nation people are pleasantly surprised. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  5. Dealing with the specifics of this case Scalia in his dissent, which you whole heartedly agree with, says that congress limited the jurisdiction of who could hear these cases. Scalia argues, and you by extension agree, that congress stripped all jurisdiction including that of the supreme court. Congress does not have the right to strip all jurisdiction. Congress can limit jurisdiction over laws but cannot strip all jurisdiction. Someone has to have the ability to review the law. If it were the case that congress could ct all laws off from judicial review at all levels then I am positive t
  6. We definately have to disagree here...go figure. Scalia hits it out of the park? Really? In his opening paragraph he pretty much states that he agrees with the DTA that no courts have any jurisdiction over the detainees. In other words these people have been exiled to a legal black hole. He argues that even the supreme court has no jurisdiction, even though it is their job to review laws passed by congress for congruency with the constitution. That is the crux of his dissent. If it were only that simple why could congress not pass every law with a caveat that it is not subject to judic
  7. Remember not everyone we have taken into custody has actually been fighting us. Many have been sold into captivity for the bounty. It's sad to see that you think laws and our legal system are what weaken us as so many throughout the years felt that is exactly what makes us stronger laws and the equal application of them. Our enemies are more embolden when we act in a mannner that is not reflective of how we say we act. Witness the increase in violence in Iraq after Abu Grhaib was exposed, note the many reports that AQ recruitment is way up. Trying to scare them into submission has not wo
  8. I just read this the other night and found it very interesting
  9. Regarding the prisoners. I hope everyone knows that the Geneva conventions guide the behavior of the signors as much as anything. In other words we capture prisoners and we are obligated to treat them in accordance with the conventions regardless of who the prisoners are and whether they are signors of the conventions. On top of that contrary to the popular belief of the
  10. I know it is slate but for those who believe Thiesens narrative on the Library Tower attacks
  11. I'm confused you don't defend the use of torture yet you seem to jsutify it by saying 911 was different and it did prevent the attack on LA? Perhaps a little clarrification of these two differing positions is needed. BTW you do know that in the real press that the LA plot has already been discredited as not an imminent threat and nothing more than talk if even that? Hardly a ticking time bomb situation.
  12. Seems to me that the supporters of torture fall into a number of categories... They deserve whatever they get and none of them are innocent because they would not be in our custody if they were innocent. It was a scary time and they need information fast. Which ties into
  13. Is that the one he calls "Outlaw Pete"? KISS are ok. I
  14. Someone has to do it... DRINK MINOTAUR! and Stay off drugs...
  15. I disagree he has always had "An emporers new clothes" feel to me. People rave about him publicly and wax peotically about his genius and how difficult it is to understand him, but in the long run, I do not believe that what they write means what they think it means. And he is basiclaly exposed for what he is on the very first listen. Beer is an ecquired taste and I grew to like it fairly quickly and love it over time. I neither love Beefheart nor like him and I have been trying for far longer than I have with beer.
  16. I love the Clash and Sandanista has never really clicked for me. I think, and this has been said many times before, that it had the potential to be a great single album a really damned good double or what it was just a three record mass of stuff.
  17. Keep listening to it is a problem for me. Do I suddenly get it after 100 listens because I have that magical epiphany? Or does it just become so familiar to my ears that I become comfortable with it and confuse that comfort level with a true understanding and love of the work? For me repetition is not the key. Repetition has allowed me to know the lyrics to many many Bon Jovi and Def Lepard songs without ever owning a single album by either band, and it
  18. Ladies, let me tell you about myself I got a dick for a brain And my brain is gonna sell my ass to you Now I'm OK, but in time I'll find I'm stuck 'Cause she wants love, and I still want to fuck
  19. Perhaps what is missing is context? What was going on when the album was made? What was the political/musical/artistic landscape of the times? This could be applied to every album I think.
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