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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Had this been true how long before the Pat Sansone was an a-hole and non-essential to the band threads start popping up?
  2. Update: Metallica To Be Two-Bassist Band At Hall Of Fame Lead bass and rythym bass? I wonder if they will play Big Bottoms?
  3. The Guardian goes all twitter all the time. All stories can be told in 140 characters... http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/apr/0...edia-technology
  4. Sadly thsi is NOT and April fools joke...
  5. I wouldn't pick him because I was never too impressed with him the two or three times I saw him this year. It just so happens that he is one of the better quarterbacks in a down year for quarterbacks. Some things should be off the table. If I was interviewed for a job asking about my family and parents divorce woudl be illegal, why not in the NFL? and just because the $$ invested are high is no excuse. It has to have something to do with the anti-trust exemption they have or some other specific rules that allow them to be different with their interviews than for regular folks. Hell in tod
  6. Never mind you know more about where I live than I do.
  7. OK they did not say that exactly you win. But that is defianately the vibe we recieved there. And like I said I live out in the sticks these people really do want their women home and not working. A submissive woman like Laura B is far superior to them than a career woman like Hillary.
  8. What exactly do you think I'm making up? We had pro-gun pro-life stickers slapped on us as soon as we walked in the door. Frank Watson, a friend of my wife & a state senator, was the guy with the anecdote about the kids. If anything I gave an extremely sanitized telling of the story. Remember this was 2004 and the party was very bold and thought they had a winning formula. The keynote speaker was supposed o be that Ryan guy, but ended up being some woman from DuPage or Lake county who is viewed as the elder stateswoman of the Republicna party in Illinois.
  9. It is a good five or six years old, but Harvard Business school (I think it was Harvard, I am positive it was an ivy league school) did a study on the music industry and their conclusion was that the pirating is eating into our profits was a bunch of bullsh*t (my word not theirs.). But in essence what the study found was that the decline in music sales was related to a number of factors. Chief among them were the rise in DVD and video game sales. Kids only have so much disposable income, and face it adults buy cd
  10. We're gonna go and see them at the pagent in April
  11. I went to a republican function, their annual Lincoln day dinner in 2004, and the whole room was full of the extremists. All the candidates who spoke had the exact same themes, I
  12. This is why the Illinois republican party is in shambles statewide. They can win local elections and can carry much of the downstate, because frankly there are a lot of people here who think and act just like him. But they can not compete statewide because the crazies are running the party here and they allow little room for dissent or diversity of thought within their ranks. So even though Blago has f'ed things up on the democrat side, the republicans will shoot themselve in the foot come next election cycle...again.
  13. I got GA tickets which is exactly what I wanted. So I'm fine with it, though I still can't stand ticketbastard.
  14. And I am personally thankful that the people who created the whole financial mess have been held accountable and lost their jobs like the guy at GM just did. Accountabaility works in some industries not in others.
  15. Not knowing Dallas procedures on this sort of thing I'd hate to pass judgement on the cop. I supose he hears all kinds of excuses when he pulls people over. But, as an arm chair legal analyst it looked like hhe should have been able to put two plus two together. Hospital parking lot, distraught family, maybe he could have seen that their story appeared palusible and shown some mercy? Not a good situation for him though. Is it just me or did the video look like Moats stoped in a handicapped space too? I wonder if the cop noticed or said anything? Or if I was just seeing it from a bad an
  16. Duke relies too much on outside shooting, they have for several years now and it kills them at tourney time. You need soem balance between, outside shooting, inside play, penetration and midrange and they just have the wrong mix of it to win. It's why I took Villanova to win that one.
  17. We agree on something? Wow. For me I find him to be in the same category as Tom Petty in that I generally like him, but don't go out of my way to listen to him or try to avoid him when he coems on.
  18. Pretty much clears everything up, thanks. I'm only asking because I have friends going and they asked. Maybe I'll grab some and see what they sound like.
  19. I agree that there are albums out there than can drag and drag because they are too long, but I
  20. I've never heard a note of their music but they are coming to the pagent. Are they worth going to see?
  21. This thread is too easy... The River I come from down in the valley Where mister when you're young They bring you up to do like your daddy done Me and Mary we met in high school When she was just seventeen We'd drive out of this valley down to where the fields were greenWe'd go down to the river And into the river we'd dive Oh down to the river we'd ride Then I got Mary pregnant And man that was all she wrote And for my nineteenth birthday I got a union card and a wedding coat We went down to the courthouse And the judge put it all to rest No wedding day smiles, no walk down the aisle No f
  22. I wouldn't mind these things showing up unsolicited if they were magazines I might be interested in, but they are not. Oh well.
  23. For some reason I got Blender in the mail last week. The thing said I have a subscription through 2012. I had never heard of the magazine prior to then and have no idea how the subscription showed up. The same thing is happening with Spin also. Spin sucks though, so there is no way I would have subscribed.
  24. No f'ing way shold they make a movie about those guys. They are irreplaceable and their legacy shoudl not be fooked with.
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