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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. solace, i think all the new traffic on the mmj board has overloaded it. it's kind of killing me right now. looking for sale dates for the new shows. GIRL'S GOTTA PLAN! *note to self: find a television to watch the boys on snl.
  2. pulled this off the shelf tonight... every time i watch this film i remember why i love it so. and why i have this poster hanging in my sewing room. terrific, terrific film.
  3. INDEED!! i'm gonna try to see that portland show! EDGEFIELD! XOXO
  4. they are SUPER RAD!! one time using it and i was really excited to make more stuff! EASY and inspiring. the only limitation is size: gocco stopped making the large format printers, so my screens were about 4" x 6". i drew a black & white high contrast drawing. you put it into the printer, lay a light sensitive screen over it, expose it to a flash of light (the printer has this built in--you put flash bulbs into the printer, press down, they pop)...VOILA!! a screen for printing. you can use as many diff colors as you want at ONE time. the only caveat is that they will bleed after
  5. REVIVING THE THREAD!! today i started in on a new preemie hat. this is only number 3. robin, i'm still using the yarn you sent. THANKS AGAIN! i will probably get 6 hats from it. as a party favor for the jeff t. living room show i attended this year i made some pot-holders for everyone who was there. (the event doubles as a pot luck. as i travel for the event, i don't cook, so i wanted to contribute something fun other than the beer i usually bring.) here is a pic that serves as a quick break down of how i constructed them. --drew the pix and text, then used a screen printing
  6. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEN!!@ funny, i thought today was the third when i sent you that text. this is full of red sox temporary tattoos and coconut treats!!
  7. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SARAH!! hope you had a swell one, mamacita!!
  8. :lol that vid was GORGEOUS!! i was getting chills sitting at my desk. i made two other people put the headphones on and listen. man oh man!
  9. WHERE WAS KITT?? wendy: rad! rad! rad!!
  10. ahh, legalsandwich, where have you gotten to? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRISH!!
  11. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOU!! the first extended conversation i had with anyone from vc was in your dining room with you and lady o' e&b! thanks for all the amazing chicago and music info over the years, lou! ...and the odd trip to the package store while i'm wearing a costume.
  12. this. is. fucked. boxes are boxes are boxes.
  13. you still looking? now sending a pm..
  14. wait a minnit... did you post this before or after the wilco pre-sale??? i thought you might have to take a pass on louisville. was i mistaken?!
  15. in.deed. mr. hoffman's efforts made quite an impression on my young life.
  16. thanks for the link, stooka!! GREAT pix! soooo clear! i love the one with m. in the foreground, and tom in the back. looking past the rack of bass guitars, you can see palm tree silhouettes. lovely! and there is a quality shot of bo's hat & shades combo. snappy!
  17. today's favorite: mr. tough! falsetto duet!
  18. dunja, so so sorry to hear about boris. it is crushing for parents to lose their children. it seems beyond reason and explanation that we should outlive our kids. much love and support to you and your family.
  19. connor oberst. he was the headliner playing after the guys i'd come to see: m. ward and jim james. hadn't heard his music before that night, but went in with an open mind. after one line about being "born in a rain drop" i excused myself to the lobby to drink gin.
  20. this is the first time i've been to the coachella fest. i live in los angeles, but not being from here i have some ingrained prejudices about the place. i imagined the worst of la. culture at the fest. boy, i was way off. it was terrific! the fest is much smaller than other fests i've attended. it's not impossible to get from one end to the other in 5 min! water was $2/bottle. there were some really well planned components to the fest. (ok. i digress...less big picture) the band came out just as the sun was setting. this place is BEAUTIFUL at dusk. holy cats. setlist: --one
  21. i DID keep a setlist, on a crumpled napkin, but i left it at home! d'oh! i will provide you with the real deal before tomorrow morning. for the record: epic ponytail activity yesterday.
  22. thanks for the set list war! i looooooove "orchids!" wendy, why haven't you weighed in with w-o-w's question?
  23. southwest: midway to louisville...YOU CAN DO EET!! and you can stay with me and wendy! also: i am wearing a cool kathleen lolley "loooooville" t-shirt today. I'M FEELIN IT! pack fewer pair of socks, to be sure.
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