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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. wendy will be wearing a hat with "califone" spelled out in flashing lights.
  2. woo! am also interested in a watering hole spot before the show...SUMMIT!
  3. southwest has a non-stop from midway to lax...
  4. b2--you are NOT allowed to bring in open bottles of water. they have FREE (if smelly) water all over the festival. if you are bringing a refillable bottle, it must be empty to bring it in --the first time you enter the festival you'll be given a wrist band that you'll wear all weekend, so after day 1, no need to remember a ticket! BRING A HAT that will give you some respite from the sun. this is NOT AN OPTION. rilly. you've got the VIP package so that will cover some snackage and drinks for you, but bringing dough for food is a good idea. --i've mentioned it before but: POWD
  5. np: laura veirs: saltbreakers love love love this record. oddly, couldn't find a pic of it anywhere.
  6. NSFW wendy, i love you openly and without reservation.
  7. sir stew, WHERE do you find those things. did americans REALLY dress like that in the 80's. christ. that clip put me right off my oatmeal
  8. wow, sureshot! that sounds fantastic! thanks! ps. this just sent me down a 30 min youtube vortex during which i spotted myself in 3 different mmj in portland clips. i look a lot like this--> but with a blond ponytail
  9. kris, sometimes your quick and accurate posts are like ninja moves. really. i might have even heard just a little fabric rustle as you posted.
  10. truly truly brilliant. worth checking the thread just to see that again. new wilco record fights osteoporosis. man alive. who made that? i can't remember and i want to tattoo that user name over my heart.
  11. for the record, my only MDMA experiences had something to do with joni mitchell. true story.
  12. tobias, check out the later pages in this thread re: bonnaroo bonnaroo thread on via chicago i don't know if anyone will let you sleep on their lawn, but you will at least find a bunch of us who are making the trip to the festival! good luck, and maybe i'll see you 'round the beer tent! ms. yvon
  13. camera obscura: biggest, bluest hi-fi what's not to love?
  14. the two stickers i have on my car. wilco & mmj
  15. for the record: steam engine phone went west nashville to kentucky or heartbreakin man or they ran... (now listening to disc 3, side B of okonokos: steam engine )
  16. just bought this a couple weeks ago. whew. beautiful.
  17. if you haven't heard this little treat from the "prom" shows in athens last february, check it out: johnny b. goode! it's an audience recording, but you can still hear the roof come off the venue if you listen close enough.
  18. if i'm still standing, i might!
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