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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. ooh! great set list! can't wait to check out all the pix!
  2. for the record: i didn't get to try one of the cupcakes. i went to the table to the spot where the cupcakes had been earlier in the evening, but winston had gotten there before me. also: have been singing "henry the eighth" for DAYS now. "i'm her eighth old man, i'm hen-e-ry henry the eighth i AM"
  3. who will save our tiny village?
  4. what i should have said is "school day." to get to chicago in time for a party, one must leave los angles in the morning. i'd miss the day of work. not like i care, but my employer might. edie, i'm still in chicago for another 12 hours. i may just call you right now.
  5. 1. "hey, if we can do it..." this was a fab rendition. my first time hearing it live! 2. a perfet apertif, or chocolate wafer to cap the night. sandusky had been in my head for a couple of days before the trip. also: during the FMAJ (see above) i noticed some gorgeous pieces being played by all during the songs. lovely! quote of the night: "you can't put a capo on an omnichord!" and everyone, "E7.....A....G"
  6. pneyu, is your new avatar a result of your recent viewing habits?
  7. wow! tiny venue! glad you got to make it to the show robert, and that the crowd was attentive. looks like glen's been switching up his set list a little. going to see them in just about a week! woo!
  8. string ensemble! nice. thanks for the review, keith. i left town this weekend and had to miss the show. spaceland is a good spot, but there do tend to be the people who come for the scene and not the band. rats. which fleetwood mac song did they play? and nels?! hot damn!
  9. you can see that Esteban and the sock-Esteban are wearing the same outfit in this pic! so glad to see the setlist! thanks, paul! also, your notations are evocative of the evening's preceedings. Five Man Acoustical Jam (FMAJ). fucking awesome. herman's hermits. bonus!
  10. ha! what a kick to have been at that show. i wasn't there, but i have seen the show as part of jhamm's dvd project (he's a superstar.). what a blast! "just waiting for his cover to be BLOWN!!"
  11. ms. yvon

    Pics of Jeff

    safe travels, charles!
  12. because billy is obviously running late to your party, i will sing in his absence: "I am the milkman of human kindness, i will leave and extra piiiiiiiiint!" HAPPY HAPPY BELATED B-DAY MY FRIEND!! the brits love allison:
  13. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY CHAD!! have a fab weekend!
  14. i've been singing "string-da-ling-ling" for ten minutes now and no one has shown up. boy oh boy, what's not to love, i ask?
  15. noticed when i got it home it's a Hatch Show Print!
  16. green. but specifically when choosing favorite color-flavors from sixlets. yow! ps. maybe this thread will bring our resident candy maven, lindsay out of hiding.
  17. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISLATIN!! "Find something you enjoy doing, and do it for the rest of your life."
  18. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY A-MIKE!! on your special day: hope you have a fab day, mister!
  19. little AB related stuff: seeing Dosh tonight in los angeles!
  20. technically this is re: a tv adaptation of a comic book: i just found out that on the animated The Tick, the voice of Arthur was... MICKEY DOLENZ!! dude, i am moved. arthur. who knew?!
  21. holy cow! this is hilarious, wonderful and such a funny honor! hooray for collaboration! paul! hope things worked out with your computer!!
  22. i agree: mysterious production is the place to start. it's so rich. the fingerlings discs are terrific, too. he also has a live bonnaroo set from 2006 that is available for download on the bonnaroo site.
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