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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I didn't expect chest beating (which you are really adept at)...I came looking for a shared collective reflection and found nothing. So yeah, I was an ass about it. We find so many ways to pull ourselves apart. But reflection and sharing in this online community should not have been out of place. We need a way to bring ourselves together. So, instead of reflections of the tragedy, you guys have been spending your time castigating me for calling out the board collectively. Easier to scold a noted internet clown and curmudgeon than reflect. So, I won't make any comments or reflections on
  2. I'm not buying it. We have posters (myself included) who write of illness, death, family issues, boyfriend issues; who share the most intimate moments of their lives on this forum. I come here looking for a sense of community. Looking for a connection with people to reflect on a terrible time in our country and I get SCOLDED? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? So...if I understand the ground rules that are being expressed as a subtext here I suppose there be no more posts requesting Vibes, telling us about our kids' various achievements and employment opportunities. No more cute stories abou
  3. Libby...Penny's never been to the island in the company of the Losties.
  4. That was a really moving story. I remember really well the shootings.
  5. I have a feeling the ending this is gonna be very cool.
  6. Hell...I don't know. We managed to devote 5 pages to talking about squishing bugs recently. We managed to recognize David Foster Wallace in at least two different threads. I just was expecting a bit of introspection about what may well be the turning point in the American experiment. Do I sense another line to be added to my sig?
  7. The History Channel has been showing a magnificent program called 102 Minutes That Changed America. It is a compilation of video and audio recordings in time sequence taken by people in the City. No Commentary, No Commercials...the most moving program I have ever seen. I'll close the thread now. It appears we really aren't ready to talk about this day...even 8 years later.
  8. I'm going to say it once and for all: In my opinion, this is a perfect addition to the Wilco Canon. Wilco's music consistently holds up through the years. I was listening to A Ghost is Born yesterday and it hit me that this STILL sounds fresh and innovative. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot still awes me with its mix of tunefulness and innovation. Summerteeth is still the most tuneful and beautiful sounding document of two talented musicians leading a band on and over the edge. Egos melting down in the key of E. Sky Blue Sky may be perceived as a sorbet of sorts: cleasing the musical palate after t
  9. I had originally downloaded this in 2002. Now, I am unable to access the free download using the YHF disc. Any ideas on how I can secure the disc or download?
  10. DBT seems to have...I don't know..lost their way a bit. MURDERING OSCAR (Patterson Hood's newest solo record) has it's definite moments, but I find myself growing a bit tired of his voice and delivery. The Southern Gothic thing is wearing a bit thin (hell, I've LIVED it for 40+ years). All that being said, DBT is still one of the best bands left crafting new music.
  11. I desperately hope you're right. But somehow we manage to comment on any other subject (important, inane, sublime, ridiculous, venal, hopeful, stupid) that comes in the head of any poster here. But I will take your subtext critique under advisement. Close it if you like.
  12. The thirst to be first is killing broadcast news. Who care if the 'facts' being reported are incorrect...get the fucking story on the air!
  13. It changed everything. It was eight years ago. Oversight? Disinterest? I will never forget sitting in my office and screaming at the radio "STOP IT!". Seeing the shots of the planes crashing, the burning towers, the jumpers, the towers coming down... Damn. Everything changed. We actually acted like everything had changed for about three weeks. Then we seemingly forgot. I won't forget.
  14. Yeah...'added bonus' probably doesn't convey exactly what he meant.
  15. Doesn't meet the 'not cool' test. INXS was fucking polar!
  16. I don't really agree with the concept of 'guilty pleasures', but I have recently become enamored of several songs that aren't 'cool'. Therefore; I create my own thread to take away the stench of guilt and freely admit that I am often not cool. It don't Matter to Me; Down on my Knees, Mother Freedom --- Bread. These guys catch a lot of flack for being white bread, soft rocke kings...but Jimmy Griffith really gave the band some punch. There ain't nothing wrong with this stuff. Dancing Queen --- Abba. Come on...admit it. You dig this song. Robbie Fulks does a non-ironic cover of this and it r
  17. It's not like there is anything else going on here tonight. Why not just respond to a new poster and get a little action going on in here?
  18. I am pretty much a let people do what they want kind of guy...except for the extremely annoying twirling hippy dancers. Especially that goofy chick who felt the need to dance along like Dr. Dog was the second coming of the Dead
  19. The coolest (well...one of them) comes right at the beginning. Jack White makes a Diddley Bow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diddley_bow and he proceeds to nail on a pickup and lets it rip. Very cool.
  20. Now that my term as a petit juror in a Federal Civil Case is over, I have one thing to say: Being a Federal Judge must be one sweet gig.
  21. For me, late summer and early fall 1968 will always be HEY JUDE and REVOLUTION.
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