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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Ok...I overreacted. I can't quit this place. It's like a case of herpes...it's a gift that gives forever.
  2. I think I am going to have to take a hiatus from here. I cannot believe the negartive responses to this wonderful disc. Some of you seem to take delight in trying to one up each other is some really silly critiques. This place is getting like the Springsteen usenet groups where there are posters who post negative comments for the sake of assholery. And don't worry...I won't be reading the "Well, just go comments", so save your finger movements.
  3. Craig Finn is certainly wonderful as a lyricist. But he needs to learn the same lesson that Bruce Springsteen learned: sometimes you paint a better lyrical picture is you leave some spaces. In other words...he needs to be a bit less wordy. And I love his songs.
  4. Hardly a 'knockoff'. A portion of a guitar phrase paying tribute. Are we REALLY going to nitpick this wonderful album? REALLY?
  5. This seems to be a free will/destiny conflict as much as it is a good/evil conflict. The O6 are simply the latest players in this conflict between these two forces. The players (Jacob and the unnamed one) are probably inhabiting bodies as avatars rather thaan owning the form themselves. They would appear to be equals from their conversation. I am beginning to think that rather that a repeating series of events (a la Groundhog day), there are different players brought in to follow the same or similar events; apparently with the same outcome. There has been some discussion as to whether
  6. Don't want to jinx things, but the Rangers are in first place. They have found a closer and the rotation is pretty decent.
  7. Talk about mixed emotions... Wilco (the album) leaks AND is being streamed. And I am stuck at work with no way past the fucking firewall... Da$m
  8. Somebody just posted this mind fucker on a bulletin board
  9. I'll send you vibes (positive energy works) I'll pray for you (even if one doesn't believe...it never hurts.) I'll keep you in my thoughts (even though I am somewhat scatterbrained)
  10. Dude...I drove to the three on my way home and checked the website for the other three that i would bother to make a trek to. I never dreamed that they would carry it. But, as I indicated, I ordered it from Amazon and got it on WEDNESDAY with NO shipping. I am basically pleased.
  11. It would be so very nice to have a leak/release before my birthday
  12. I never noticed that Yoda was getting 'small' in your avatar
  13. I really don't look like the Geico Caveman. In real life...I have been told I look like Oliver Platt/Mark David Chapman/Nathan Lane/Jon Frakes/Anson Williams... Did you think I looked like Bruce Springsteen or a crow? If so...that would be really cool
  14. Hmmph. Wonder why the six stores I checked didn't have them in the store and didn't show them as available in the online site?
  15. I find it hard to believe, but the Ashes of American Flags DVD in not available in any Best Buy store in the DFW area. Really odd. I ordered my from Amazon on the Tuesday release date after some angry driving and website searching and got it the next day with free shipping. Better deal anyway.
  16. I gauge all things in life by the reaction of my 14 year old son who is still filled with wonder at the good things in life and not yet jaded or beaten down by life. I showed the cover to D-man yesterday and he greeted the picture with a heartfelt belly laugh. "That's great. How freaking random. A Camel at a birthday party. Wilco (the album) with Wilco (the song) on it. I hope they call the tour Wilco (the tour) and put out a t-shirt with a Wilco (the t-shirt) logo on it."
  17. I'm betting it is a case of poor spelling...."Clapton is Good"
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