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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. After I READ it, I wondered where GRRM is going with his story.
  2. Ad hominum attacks say more about the person doing the attacking than they do about the intended target.
  3. Darth Vader Obi Wan Kenobi Emperor Palpatine Luke Skywalker Han Solo Dwight Eisenhower George Patton Bernarl Montgomery Erwin Rommel George Kesslering Jesus Moses Confucius Siddhārtha Gautama Paul McCartney Bob Dylan Bruce Springsteen Brian Wilson Neil Young George RR Martin JRR Tolkein CS Lewis Robert Jordan Robert Howard Jeff Tweedy Jay Farrar Jay Bennett Morrissey Johnny Marr Paul Westerberg Alex Chilton Michael Stipe Tom Verlaine (Television) Mick Keef Brian Jones Mick Taylor Andrew Loog Oldham
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lAW2P3bYrI
  5. Tiger Woods (It ain't bragging if it's true) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK_zuizyWwU
  6. I'll wait until the discs start showing up for $.01 on Amazon.
  7. New Record? Let me be the first to say it...MEH Seriously kidding...this has me doing the happy dance
  8. If you didn't quote him, those of us who have him blocked for his blockheadedness wouldn't have to read his posts.
  9. Let the obligatory dogpiling of the newbie begin!
  10. You can ignore this, scoff at it, belittle those who are concerned; but you are engaging if a fool's game. This administration is showing the same signs of paranoia that made Richard Nixon the most villified man in America for a generation.
  11. Speaking of DFW fans...what ever happened to Good Old Neon?
  12. The Federal Government using its coercive powers in a partisan way should scare the hell out of you. If the Democrats go after Conservative Groups with impunity, what in the world do you think the Republicans will do when they get the White House? Tit for Tat...Eye for an eye...what's good for the goose...that shit makes for the beginnings of a banana republic.
  13. If by 'apples' you mean boobs, I agree.
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