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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Nah....I don't care that Rachel Maddow is a lefty...I just can't get the picture of Matthew Perry out of my mind. The Newtown shooter used weapons that had been legally purchased (as far as I know) by his mother. No manner of background check would have mattered here. I may be misguided about many things, but to simply brush off the appalling lack of systematic mental health care in this country is, well, misguided. I refer to it as a larger issue. I think that preventative mental health care is probably more likely than the confiscation of handguns. And don't kid yourself. The only way to m
  2. Like most people my age, I used to be a fairly homophobic person. After my wife and I bought our first house in 1987, we made friends with two of the nicest, thoughtful and fun guys who had a house across the street. The fact that they were gay made me uncomfortable at first, but I quickly came to realize that people love who they love. The problem wasn't what they did in the privacy of their home, but my narrow minded, fearful attitudes. When my niece came out 10 years ago, she told my wife and me before she told her parents. She still hasn't told her grand parents. And she is in a committe
  3. Haven't thought about these guys for over 30 years. Best buy I've made this year.
  4. I do not own a firearm and have no intention of doing so...just to put my affiliation on the table here. The proposed 'gun reform laws' would have had absolutely no effect on the Newtown or Aurora shootings if they had been in place. These 'reforms' are grandstanding attempts to offer a proposed solution to the wrong problem. The vast majority of these annihiliation shootings are perpetrated by mentally ill people. Mental Health Care reform would have a greater impact than banning a weapon because it looks scary.
  5. We may be about to witness an epic collapse of a dynastic baseball franchise. Things are looking really grim for the Bronx Bombers.
  6. 2013 Bruce Springsteen is the poor man's 1978 Bruce Springsteen
  7. I'm thinking that may be a bit unfair...the same reason I didn't get snarky and say Graham Parker is the poor man's Elvis Costello. Cute. Rude. Unfair and a bit...just a bit true
  8. I've always wondered by my loudly born again Christian friends aren't more interested in the Saving of out planet. I'm guessing the gobbledy gook about the rapture has them thinking they won't have to face the consequences for raping Mother Earth. And you would never guess that the National Park System was created by the greatest Republican President (Teddy Roosevelt) if you listen to the Republican (and let's be honest the Democrat) powers that be.
  9. Exactly Those of us in our 50's and older have seen some pretty dramatic changes in race relations and sexual preference toleration in our lifetimes. Extraordinary times.
  10. What I found hilarious is that the 'underground' FM station in that movie played such mainstream music. Even in the day these songs were all over AM radio and were not the staple of FM radio.
  11. Some of us would pass on seeing Michelle Shocked no matter her stance on GLBT stuff. If I want to be preached at, I'll go to church. If I want a political discourse, I'll go to someone who may actually have an educated opinion. I find Rock Stars scolding me to be tiresome. I love Steve Earle, and I'm pretty sure I would find his discourses tiresome. No...I take that back. I studied Political Science in college. I've had my fill of that shit. Hardliners of any stripe are unappealing. Being scolded is tiresome. Artists have lost the art of subtlety and their sense of art. Which song stands up be
  12. Things have changed SO much in the last 20 years. Allowing things to gain momentum organically seems to work. Watched the Movie PHILADELPHIA last night. What seemed so revolutionary now seems righteous.
  13. Something just hit me...an out of left field song choice that will allow some harmony singing and guitar crunching. Keep an open mind here folks... Heartache Tonight --- Eagles I think the boys could hit this one out of the park.
  14. Outside of one MAJOR factual error...a pretty good interview (Jay Bennett a 'founding member' of Wilco?)
  15. I feel dirty. I went out and bought this thing. If ever a release cried out to be illegally downloaded, this is it. Hendrix had THREE stuido releases, One best of and one live record while he was alive. His estate is squeezing every last nickel out of his corpse.
  16. The 'economy' isn't propering. The institutional gambling that is the Stock Market is. A filibuster over due process...really compelling stuff
  17. Henceforward , we will now refer to the leader of the Wilco Band as 'the immortal Jeff Tweedy'.
  18. The disturbing point of this story is a law enforcement officer abusing his power to harrass a citizen for the benefit of a business owner. Disturbing, yes. But He indicated he had done it numerous times.
  19. How so? And which off-season? This one, the next one?
  20. We don't need term limits. They are inherently anti-democratic and lead to the rule by the aparatchik...rule by the professional staffs. We don't need term limits...we need a better educated electorate.
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