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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Interesting take. Everything doesn't appeal to everybody. (But for me, I don't get put off by appearnces. I notice the way bands look and the way they emote, but I guess that part of the equation doesn't hit me like it hits you.)
  2. It would have a bit of a story. Doug Melvin was the Rangers' GM in their first brush with glory in the 90's, and the Rangers got Nellie Cruz as a add on in the Carlos Lee trade. I used to be a huge Brewers fan (from 78-82). It would be nice to see these two earnest franchises face each other in the Series. Nellie Cruz is heating up. He hits home runs in bunches when he gets hot. Beltre is hot. Napoli has been hot. If Hamilton and Young find their stroke...watch out.
  3. In the danger of sounding like an idiot, what is a barnet?
  4. By the way...I remember you were the one staying at the Adam's Mark hotel. In my original post, I had a comment in there about how I told Dylan to be on the lookout for somebody who looked like a poon googler...needless to say he was VERY confused. That was a good show, unlike the 2009 show where the drunk guy passed out right on top of my son and myself during Hate it Here.
  5. LOL...stripping to Wilco, I like it. However, let me offer for your consideration: War on War. I never considered this a dance worthy track until I saw the performance of the song on Later with Jules Holland. There's a chick doing the shoulder dance to the song that is very visible in the first couple of minutes and literally changed the way I perceived the song.
  6. Pat has seemingly moved to a somewhat capable sideman to (perhaps) a worth collaborator for Jeff. Having heard what John and Pat have produced with Autumn Defense, heard the improved production values of The Whole Love and taken in his work with Dawes, I must say that Pat has really stepped up to the A-Team here.
  7. Took my son to game two yesterday. The Rangers' bullpen is money this year. And with Nellie Cruz getting his stroke back, this could be a special October for the boys from Arlington.
  8. You are VERY lucky. I wish I could forget Blue Swede...along with Paper Lace and Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods.
  9. An absolutely outstanding photo. I love how you can just make out the guitar (possibly a Les Paul) amidst the backlighting.
  10. Dude...that photo on the splash page of your website is OUTRAGEOUS!!! (What show was it taken at?)
  11. I'll be honest here. I was never able to get beyond the schtick of them wearing native american (aka Indian) garb. Probably shows how shallow I was in my teens.
  12. Redbone? Of "Come and get your love" fame?
  13. It's amazing how time seems to race along. That 13 year old boy is now 17 and his passion for things musical reminds me of a much younger of myself.
  14. Oddly enough, one of the things I remember about the press on Being There from the day concerned the departure of Max Johnson and Mike Heindorn joing Jay Farrar in Son Volt.
  15. It's definitely not crackle, pop or hiss. To my ears, it has a definite projector sound to it. But I think it is probably more accurately described as 'ear candy'.
  16. Really nice and sweet. Here speech was remarkably clear. I cannot imagine the emotions running through her mind
  17. sounds like an old film projector
  18. Interesting term. But upon reflection, I could buy off on dangerous. Lennon's song weren't whimsical for the most part.
  19. Typical...Texas has been in an Extreme drought situation for almost a year, and we get torrential rain in game 1 of the ALCS.
  20. But I wonder if Jeff has it in him to have another night of the long knives...
  21. By linking the blog and quoting it, you place the emphasis on the undesirability of having Nels (and by implication, Pat and Mikael) in the band. If that's what it takes for you or anybody to retain their fandom, well, you are probably going to be disappointed. John and Glenn are essential. ALL rhythm sections are the backbone of a bands sound However, in 1998, you probably could have said the same thing about Ken.
  22. I was going to post the same quote from Ashes. I have a feeling that if anybody leaves this incarnation of Wilco, Jeff will call it a day.
  23. Well..John didn't write that song either. Nor did Pat, Glenn or Mikael.
  24. On further reflection, I can't see this happening. I believe the litigation tha Jay instigated is being pursued by his estate; therefore, I don't imagine either side is very interested in revisiting this.
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