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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Let's see...I'm supposed to be 'flattered' that the mighty Jude remembered something about me? Really? Now I'm waiting on another pm from a moderator telling me not to be baited...sheesh.
  2. LOL...now she's the one who would be commenting on Ke$ha. Nice to see you pay attention to my progeny. Should I call the cyberstalker police?
  3. Thanks. Your opinion has been duly noted and given the appropriate weight.
  4. Hmm...it never occurred to me that Nick Lowe wouldn't be opening for the second leg of the tour. If not Mr. Lowe, I wonder who the likely candidates are. Maybe a Night of Wilco?
  5. So...the Swedes don't like the Danes? How do you guys feel about the Norwegians and Finns?
  6. When I go to a Wilco show, I am attending a Rock show. I am not attending the stinking Rock Horror Picture Show.
  7. So...River Song is in prison for killing "The Best Man I Ever Knew". Except she didn't kill him. And who exactly tried and convicted her of this murder (which didn't actually occur)? Andhow did the Tesselector start to regenerate? And if the Doctor was inside the Tesselector, how did he escape burning? This seemed a tad bit slap dash. And if the Doctor not dying caused all of time to collapse, well...he still didn't die (Even if you follow the caveat of River needing to kill the Doctor and the fact that she chose not to do so caused the time collpse...she killed a tesselector, not the Doctor.
  8. You're new here, aren't you. Saying you want something dropped doesn't mean it gets dropped.
  9. And the bit with Dorian at the end...Is it just a big pun? Doctor Who? And the Doctor receeding into the shadows...won't the Silence eventually figure out he isn't dead? And since the Doctor said "look in my eye", what was it River told the tenth Doctor to make him trust her? Did he tell her his name later?
  10. ` This may be the most amazing two sentences ever posted on Via Chicago.
  11. I'm wondering if the Doctor and River are actually married. Does the fact the Doctor is in the Tesselector negate the ceremony. The bit with River and Amy at the end having a Mother/Daughter talk was priceless.
  12. Well...that certainly was interesting. Now we know how he defeated a fixed point in time
  13. He hits the nail right on the head. The romance is gone. I found myself doing some mental applauding after this.
  14. Also...you can't picture Miley Cyrus wanting to be introduced to Jeff and Pat at the Grammy awards. You also can't picture Jeff being anything other than gracious and friendly if such a request was made. Meaning...Radiohead comes off to me as being arrogant, cold and aloof. Wilco comes off as being warm and friendly.
  15. I was discussing this with my resident 17-year old Wilco fan, and he was incredulous that there aren't universal raves by the board for The Whole Love. (I told him I got the impression that the feelings on the board were pretty positive.) He just said to me that "for a Wilco fan site, there are a lot of posters who just don't get it. People don't realize that everything they do on an album is for a reason. If you think there's a weak track, it's there for a reason." (He seems to be really incensed that Capitol City gets such negative marks. And he was downrigh scornful of the folks who rank
  16. the comparison by the various media of the two bands is simply due to laziness (kind of like the 'rising from the ashes of Uncle Tupelo" and "they managed to sell the album to the same record company that fired them" crutches). I've only been able to listen to KoL once or twice. Radiohead doesn't seem to be in my wheelhouse anyore. I've never been able to get registered over there...
  17. Grading each individual track of a Wilco record is akin to grading the chapters of your favorite novel. This is a work that is best considered and consumed as a whole.
  18. speaking of the 'hair' issue...I am surprised Sue hasn't laid down the law on Jeff. Chicago has got to have professionals who could give him a reasonable haircut.
  19. The devolution of The Newspaper Industry (and any print type media) into the 21st Century version(s) of Buggy Whip manufacturers has led to a LOT of short cuts, cutbacks and decline in quality. Not really sure if there is any standard editorial control for online 'magazines'.
  20. It's a direct descendant of Pieholden Suite, and Tried and True, although it really doesn't sound like a Wilco song (whatever that means). I guess we are all a little lazy when we say it sounds like the Beatles or Randy Newman. Whatever it sounds like, it makes for an interesting lead in to Standing O.
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