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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Very nice. Congratulations to the Dr. and the proud mother!!!
  2. Eh...as you probably know by now, I am a knee jerk reaction kinda guy. I was referring more to the moron callers that I was to The Musers, Norm or the Hardline. (I can't listen to Badd radio with Bob. Dan is insufferable). And does it need to be said that Football is a team game and putting together a fantasy football team for the field doesn't work. You think the Eagles would have learned by looking at the mess the Cowboys put together a couple of years ago.
  3. The Problem with the Fox reboot is it was being done by FOX. The development execs over there are really tone deaf. Hell...they cancelled Firefly. I knew it was doomed when I saw Eric Roberts was cast at The Master. Another disturbing element was the overt romantic implications of the companion. I think in the hands of a Who fan and in capable hands, an American take would work.
  4. Good luck with that dude...D-man is spamming the request line for The Thanks I Get.
  5. There we go...I knew I had read it referred to as something along those lines...
  6. I get it now...you were making a cute reference to the coffee. I thought you were using it in the literal sense (as I was doing...hence my deletion of the term on grounds of pretension).
  7. I thought it was something along those lines, but "Shepherd's progression" is a term I read somewhere.
  8. I read somewhere that the descending chord progression in Born Alone was a "Shepherd's progression"? Is that correct? If not, what is the chord progression called in a musicological sense?
  9. Which part of the review? The rave that was the text of the review or the meh that was the rating? Heck...the banner adds for the big boobed chick pics were better than that review...
  10. I was simply noting that I had used the same term, and the reasons why I decided not to use it. I think it is pretty interesting that we would both use a relatively obscure term in an indie band thread. And I really don't care that you didn't read the post. I'll admit it is somewhat self-indulgent. HOWEVER, feeling the need to post that you didn't read it instead of simply not reading it is, well, self-indulgent.
  11. Interesting that you use the term 'intelligentsia'...I had originally used it, but I dropped it because I found it to be too pretentious. Somehow, I find it fitting that you used the term.
  12. If I remember correctly, Jeff addressed that in the NPR chat. Something about sequencing for the optimal use of the various sides of the records
  13. I think you have discoveed the motivation that moves Jeff Tweedy. He isn't looking to make the record that is expected of him, he's looking to make the record he wants to make.
  14. I find it so very refreshing and invigorating to be in love with a band after 16 years of loving them. Only a music fan can appreciate the unabashed joy that comes from hearing a favorite band's music. In my 51 years, I have had several artists I avidly follow: Ryan Adams, U2, Drive by Truckers, Pearl Jam, Dylan. But there are only a bare handful that I truly love: The Beatles (although they probably really don't count because they exist on another plane of musical existence), Springsteen and Wilco. Springsteen has become a figure of past glory and reflection...but Wilco is vibrant and alive.
  15. Killer stuff...it's been a LONG trip from Box Full of Letters to here...
  16. I am really pleased at how everyone shines on this one. John has reall come into his own.
  17. Kind of fun reading the running commentary. Now they're playing One Sunday Morning...and of course the ASSHOLES ARE WHOOPING
  18. Been a slow day at Casa Crow...d-man at work, downtown taking care of some family business...so I thought I would put some thoughts that have been knocking around in my head for a while. Laying it out, because that's what we do here. A bit elevated over navel gazing. First of all, none of this should be taken as some sort of negative position. (I won't tack imho in front of the statements of opinion here...all this is my opinion.) Jeff is probably the most lyrical songwriter in the craft to day. It is certainly a matter of opinion and taste, and I won't argue against anybody else's choices
  19. Every Wilco release has its own particular charms. I tell you which Wilco album is my favorite and always will be. The Next One. I love how this band is continually moving forward..reinventing themselves. Being aware of their past but always looking to the future. I have yet to be disappointed in a Wilco release. Some have been earth shattering, some have been warm and comforting. But as I have said before, this band always seems to make the record I need to hear.
  20. No...it was new, pretty good stylus. Just don't have the liquid assets to further indulge my Wilco passion right now.
  21. Well...I underestimated the US Postal Service and trusted the Kungfoo Websit too much. Got it today. Sweet...if only my wife hadn't destroyed my stylus...
  22. I usually don't comment of people's appearance because it seems a bit shallow. But Jeff has really been overdoing the scruffy artist look the last couple of years. It's not important, and I would never judge an artist or person on that basis, but it is evident.
  23. I know it is a secondary consideration, but a delay of that type will absolutely kill the momentum the show has built from its showings on BBC America. As a side thought here, I am surprised that one of the American Networks has not attempted to buy the rights from the BBC to produce an Americanized version of the Doctor. I know Fox attempted a version that gave us the TV movie with Paul McGann as a memorable Doctor (and Eric Roberts as the Master . Surprised, but somewhat relieved. The very Britishness of the Doctor adds to its charm for this American. But still, I would kind of like to se
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