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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. It really reminds me of my 16 year old son bursting into the room, turning down the thermostat, changing the channel on the TV, farting and leaving in a rush.
  2. I think he was refereeing the bruhaha between Speed and Louie
  3. This morning, I sat down fully intending to listen to The Wild, The Innocent and the E Street Shuffle and Born to Run. It is still too raw a wound for me.
  4. Same thing happened to me...sly like a foxwell invited me. Posted once or twice. Couldn't figure out who was who and my interest quickly waned
  5. I think it's called The wind blew me back. As remember, it was a bit of a mess. I think it's called The wind blew me back. As remember, it was a bit of a mess.
  6. Don't you pay attention to what goes on around here?
  7. How fitting and appropriate. Both Clarence and Danny shone on that one. Circle of life.
  8. This is certainly a very sad day for those of us who have followed Bruce since 1974. Clarence was a larger than life character. His relationship with Bruce was emblematic of the cameraderie that fueled the band. I cannot imagine Bruce ever using the E Street Band name ever again. I assume that he will eventually return to music. Maybe to seek solace but certainly to affirm the ties that bind us all. Clarence will be missed.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-9A2O6CwW4
  10. This place is so dead I don't think creating a new thread would get an A-man reprimand.
  11. I concur on the 'killing a good man'. I don't think I agree on you ganger Doctor opinion. Why introduce him if not to have him play a larger role down the road? And remember the events proceedihg his death...the outlandish stunts he was pulling to get the attention of Rory and Amy. Also, he seemed to know exactly what was coming. But if River was the little girl in the suit...WHY DOESN'T THE OLDER RIVER REMEMBER KILLING HIM? I hope Moffat knows where he is going with all this.
  12. I don't know dude...I just dig the music.
  13. BACHMANN TURNER OVERDRIVE '12!!! If I was really engaged with life, I would be photoshopping like a mofo right about now...
  14. Now I guess I am a charter member of this version of "I've heard and seen something you haven't and I am going to talk ad nauseum about it". The old me would revel in it. Instead, I feel dirty.
  15. I hear she is vetting this guy for her running mate Let's see who is the first to figure this out
  16. Out of context the "nelsgasm" was almost over the top and I love every second of it. The song Jeff was listening to on the playback sounded REALLY nice...
  17. So Zoran put it on the internet so people wouldn't see it? What did Jeff think was going to happen with the video being shot?I'm probably being snarky, but there really isn't anything bad that could have come out of leaving the link up. I think we have some people severely overthinking here
  18. It's really hard for me to get too worked up over an album title
  19. You think the powers that be made Zoran pull them because a like was posted on a little used Wilco fan board? I'm just wondering if something a little more bit torrentish broke out. This board is so dead I imagine on a dozen or so people from here actually looked at the link.
  20. Somebody, somewhere did something that brought the videos to the attention of somebody. And now nobody can see them. Nice. Glad I checked them out before the ban hammer came down.
  21. Well...the question has apparently been answered. Now the question is whether or not the Doctor that was killed was the 'real' Doctor or whether he was 'the flesh'. I don't think we've actually seen the last of the silence either.
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