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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Well...so A-man has so kindly found, linked and, thusly, revived this thread, let's have some reactions to "A Good Man Goes to War". For me, the whole River Song saga has not been the stumbling block that it appears to be to some of the folks who post to internet forums. And it answers some questions, but really opens up some new issues. Ultimately, her identity does make for a bit of an ick factor when considering her identity and her (still fully unexplained) relationship with the Dr. Another really nice bit was Amy's exposition about the man coming to rescue her. "The Last Centurion"...a
  2. I have my phone set on LeBron James mode NO RING
  3. I know a lot of us have seen promising bands stumble on their second album. Taylor Goldsmith is on a real roll. The two Dawes records, the Middle Brother record, the Robbie Robertson stuff...this kid is the real deal.
  4. Geez you guys. Take care of yourselves.
  5. Is 'choking a horse' akin to 'choking your chicken'?
  6. I don't think I indicated that Dirk was not awesome. I was indicating that the Mavericks have been somewhat disappointing since 2006. Dirk is hands down the best player that the Mavericks have ever had. He is probably the best Euro to ever play in the NBA. He is among the top three atheletes in Dallas Sports History. My main reference was D.Wade calling Dirk out after the 2006 finals saying the reason the Mavericks lost was Dirk's failure as a leader on the court.
  7. I'm not jumping on the Mavericks' bandwagon, I have not been following this team this year because of what I have seen on a yearly basis since the collapse in the 2006 finals. However, this team seems different. The big German remembers 2006 and all the criticism leveled at him (even by D.Wade). The German is mad.
  8. I am so out on basketball. I turned it on with :44 seconds left, turned the channel and watched 15 minutes of something on the History Channel, turned it back to see what the final score was and there were still :06 left. Ridiculous.
  9. I guess what I was so inarticulatly saying is "Cheap Shot" appears to be a noun...not a verb. And now I'm bored at home
  10. And by the way...is 'cheapshotted' a word? Isn't it really correct to say "Rome Cheapshot on Horton"? And yes, I am bored at work, thank you for asking.
  11. There is a real problem in the NHL with players lacking respect for their opponents and actually looking to cause injury.
  12. I'm really not getting the hate on this one. Is it their best? No. But it is certainly an interesting and enjoyable record. These guys have come a LONG way since Tennessee Fire. If that is the standard by which you judge them, then you are traveling down an age old road that leads fans to become disenchanted when a band grows. Kind of familiar fan reaction territory here for people that have been paying attention.
  13. Don't look now...but the Rangers are catching fire. Just completed a sweep of the Indians with back to back shutouts.
  14. The more I think about this and read Sabean's comments, I would not be too surprised if MLB doesn't penalize him in some form or fashion. He is basically encouraging some nut to do somehting.
  15. His time would be better spent in developing a coaching focus on the technique of playing the catcher position. Once Pose went to his knees in that play, there was nothing good that could happen. Posey is a converted catcher and his mechanics still don't come naturally to him. And by the way, if the Giants overtly retailiate, I imagine the GM could find himself in a dicey position with the league. The very fact that he voiced a veiled threat makes it certain that nothing will happen. If it does, the team should face dire consequences.
  16. I read the White Gold Wielder series, mainly out of a sense of obligation because I had bought all six. It didn't resonate much with me. The back story of how Donaldson possibly came to get his inspiration of the hero with leprosy was kinda cool (Lss: Donaldson was a conscientious objector during the Viet Nam War and did public service in a Leprosy ward).
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