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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Hmmm...it is a part of their identity. I look at it this way: MMJ is a really cool hippy band that is a killer live act. The very fact that they are enjoying the succes they have is really encouraging to me. If this new release makes them break larger...great. But they are already bigger than I ever thought they wuld be.
  2. I still believe in this band. I used to believe in REM, but I haven't listened to anything from them since 1996. I used to believe in Springsteen, but he is beginning to lose his luster. I used to believe in U2, but the messianic rock star thing can be irksome. I still believe in this band.
  3. I win...close the thread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWSQ9YQa_6w&feature=related
  4. Kinda offtrack here, but here I go anyway: I had this really odd dream last night. It was a first person view of a concert...from behind backstage. Eddie Vedder was fronting a band (I couldn't quite see or tell who the band was). He was singing a killer version of Love Reign o'er me. It was raging. As the song played, I noted that the guitar players were kinda cute teenage type boys. As the song ended, I heard teenage girls screaming. The lead guitar player started kissing hysterical girls from the crowd. Then I realized the band was the Jonas Brothers. Odd dream.
  5. Ahh the late 1906's. Great days and a great music scene! Ahhh...the thick fingers and dyslexsia strike again
  6. Well... Could be. However... Rock solid
  7. Good luck with that. I've heard (not saying it's true, just saying I've heard) that nicotine addiction is harder to kick than heroin. I got really lucky when I quit. I was stranded at my brother's house with no cash, plus I was bedridden with the flu. So I felt crappy alread; didn't have anybody that would go out and buy me smokes; and I didn't have any money to get them myself even if I felt like getting out of bed.
  8. When I heard Jeff do Tear Stained eye, I got the distinct impression that he was taking the piss out of the crowd, i.e. a tongue in cheek version. I'm not really sure it was Jeff's best moment.
  9. Looking at his physique on his outing in Arlington, looks like he had a lot of the former to spare. All kidding aside, it is a really good comeback story.
  10. Robert Quine's scorching solo in Matthew Sweet's "Girlfriend" may be the most chaotic solo ever in a top 40 song. It is subversive and definitely not sloopy, unlike a lot of chaotic guitar solos.
  11. I always felt a bit adrift as nobody I knew, friends nor family, shared my musical tastes. My Brother is seven years older than I am. He was the jock in the family. His musical tastes were pretty typical for the late 1906's. Creedence, Grass Roots, Stones, Beatles. His musical tastes ossified around 1972. I think the last concert he went to was an Elvis concert in 1974. My Sisiter is six years older than me. Her one saving grace is that she liked the Rod Stewart of Every Picture Tells a Story and Never a Dull Moment. I seem to remember her having the Supermes meet the Temptation records. I
  12. Really cool. But it seems like everybody takes on Bobby Flay. Mike Symon needs to be on more.
  13. Apparently this was a long term operation. Enhanced interrogation techniques in a CIA facility in eastern used on a courier captured in 2007 who gave up a name. Bush43 increased funding for Special Forces. But Obama had the stones to send in troops. Violating the airspace of a purportedly friendly nation informing them after the fact. Would have been a heck of a lot easier and safer to target some tomahawk missles. Obama gets the credit for eliminating Bin Laden in the same fashion that Bush41 gets the credit for the downfall of the Soviet Union. It was on their watch and they either f
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYRqtteQPj8
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zC58ZlC44E&feature=related
  16. Thought it was a Chinese band...but it was a pretty interesting cross-cultural moment. But still not as weird as Mylie Cyrus covering "Smells like Teen Spirit".
  17. I am usually not one of "those" guys, but the only inspiration I hope she gets from Cobain in the future involves a shotgun.
  18. That's a given. However, I was speaking of the guys on the ground.
  19. It's called Fog of War. Things aren't quite so clear cut when one is in a combat situation. It's like a car wreck x10. You have a different story from everybody involved, not because of any arcane motives to obfuscate. When adrenaline is pumping and confusion reigns, things are simply not clear. And who even knows if the team has been debriefed yet. A lot of you guys are more cynical and jaded than I am.
  20. It wasn't a "40 minute shootout". The entire operation took 40 minute and most of that (according to sources) was taken up in the search for and gathering of computer hard drives and documents.
  21. I put that "billable hours" bit in there for you lawyerly types
  22. eh...I was a little snarky. But there may never be a full briefing on the totality of the events at hand. But real fairy tale in this story is that the Snake Eaters (affectionate term for Special Forces types) were prepared to take Bin Laden alive. That would have been a freaking nightmare. What a goat screw. Where would he have been tried? New York? The Hague? Before a criminal court? Before an international war crimes tribunal? Before a military tribunal? The only things that would be accomplished would have been thousands of hours of radio talk show programming and cable news shows a
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