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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. "Oh God" over and over and over would make a good ringtone.
  2. I keep listening to You See Me Crying and pretend the lyrics are better
  3. Raise a toast to saint Joe Strummer I think he might have been our only decent teacher
  4. When I was a kid, nobody thought about growing up to be a celebrity conspiracy-theorist
  5. It would have been Brand New Key for me too.
  6. Oooohhh - your avatar!!! Where do you get a curling sweater like that?
  7. Don't see an Ottawa date Don't even see a Montreal date
  8. Yeah, it's getting strong reviews. I have it on shuffle and a couple of tracks have come up so far. I wasn't blown away by either of them but it's possible I heard the 2 weakest tracks.
  9. So it actually pays to speak to co-workers? Maybe I should reconsider my anti-social tendancies.
  10. That's not exactly a run-of-the-mill gift choice. You must have been dropping some heavy hints somewhere.
  11. Mine went away? I used to get pretty severe migranes pretty regularly. I took a bunch of stuff out of my diet, including alcohol (especially red wine), caffine, peanut butter, chocolate, etc. I used to take Fiorinal too which I understand could be addictive. Anyway, I got fewer and fewer and really don't get them at all any more. And all of that stuff has been reintroduced to my diet.
  12. And then Bob Rae bows out. Michael Ignatieff is the only one left interested in being leader of the Liberal party. So if there's a coalition in January, and he doesn't self destruct, he could be Prime Minister. Without even a vote by MPs.
  13. http://www.chartattack.com/news/63746/weak...s-roll-together Incidentally, The Weakerthans are also on the Barenaked Ladies cruise this winter: http://www.shipsanddip.com/ Weakerthans And Constantines Roll Together The Weakerthans' songs are often as literate as Bob Dylan's works, and now the name of their upcoming tour bears a striking resemblance to the legendary singer/songwriter's mid-'70s musical excursion. The Rolling Tundra Revue will see The Weakerthans hooking up with past tourmates Constantines for a two-legged cross-Canada tour that'll hit 20 cities from St. John's, Nfld
  14. I was in my apartment on Lawson Blvd, studying for an exam. Stayed awake most of the night listening to radio tributes and didn't do a particularly good job of the exam the next day. I was in a used CD store on Friday and lingered over a copy of Double Fantasy. Cripes this was a tragic loss. RIP John
  15. Really happy to see some love for Kathleen Edwards.
  16. I'm mostly in the closet as an atheist. Whatever you believe in doesn't bother me. I'm fine with that. I feel no need to ridicule you. To answer your question, I suspect some atheists feel a need to defend their beliefs, or non-belief, when the "true believers" ram their beliefs down our throats. From every thing you say, you are not one of those, but I think that's where the phenomenon you describe comes from.
  17. Not in a way. Harper has only himslef to blame. He let all the press about what a master strategist he is go to his head and totally and absolutely misread this situation. His fault. This whole incident really brings his question as a leader into serious doubt. Sadly, I'm not convinced of that. If Harper does manage to survive this, which I didn't think he possibly could even 2 days ago, he might be able to swing enough public sentiment about the axis of evil that is the coaltion, in addition to Dion and the others shooting themselves in the feet, and turn that into a majority.
  18. I'm the last person who should be defending Harper but constitutionally he is certainly entitled to ask the Governor General to prorogue Parliament.
  19. This is off topic but I once drove to Fredonia and then to Geneseo to see The Kinks. Great shows.
  20. I say yes, as long as you're not selling them on eBay or something. Since you are asking the question, I'm sure you are not. Pretty much everybody here downloads live material.
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