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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. Madness Public Image And: They Might Be Giants This is Radio Clash
  2. Screamin' Jay Springsteen: Jersey Devil
  3. Before the first version of the live album was actually released, there was a promo album called "From Tokyo To You" or something like that. 7 songs I think. I have that promo in a box somewhere. I loved Cheap Trick in the late 70s and saw them a bunch of times.
  4. Not that I didn't already think that a Wilco/Neil show was a pretty good idea, but if we get anything approaching this in Ottawa, my head might explode. Thanks for the setlist/review and video.
  5. As an old white guy/father, the prison culture that gangsta rap advocates troubles me. That said, Nickelback is absolutely dreadful. No redeaming qualities.
  6. Ken Osmond (the actor who played Eddie Haskell) grew up to be Alice Cooper.
  7. Perhaps the reporter hasn't listened to Nebraska for a while. Set list: The Promised Land The Ghost of Tom Joad Thunder Road No Surrender Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street The Rising This Land is Your Land
  8. Petty didn't lip synch. Bruce won't lip synch. Seems to be persistant rumours that they are already mixing a new record which will be released either just before Christmas or just before the Super Bowl. Possibly an E Street farewell tour to follow.
  9. It has not gone unnoticed: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...onal/columnists
  10. Their strategy is all about appealing to 39% of the population (or whatever the magic number is to get a majority). The interesting thing with arts cuts is that the only place it really received significant attention was Quebec. Which the Conservatives are really focussed on. And this is hurting them there now. And they are retreating on arts. Which only goes to confirm exactly what you said - very cynical and opportunist platform.
  11. Is this still on? Is it just me or is this the quietest election campaign ever?
  12. I saw them but it was such a long long time ago I wouldn't put much stock in that now. However, at the time, they were very good.
  13. I don't necessarily agree with this. If you live in a riding with a strong NDP candidate, and then vote Liberal and split the vote, and the Conservative candidate wins, that will end up resulting in exactly what you are trying to avoid.
  14. Harper would take Alaska in a second. He would love to exploit the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - once the oil sands are done, that's the place.
  15. I agree. Many of Palin's views and beliefs are to the right of Harper (although there are clearly members of his party who would endorse everything she stands for). Further, her instant celebrity plays both ways and many people see it as hype. Although there is certainly hype up here, I don't think Canadian elections are based on hype to the degree US elections are. So there is some caution around her hype. People here are interested but I don't think anybody is going to change how they vote based on Sarah Palin or anything else that happens in America.
  16. And it now appears that Elizabeth May will join the debate after all. Which should be huge for them. She is a solid debater and the exposure will really help them a lot. They should win some seats.
  17. Why is a vote on Green a waste if some people vote for them because of their marijuana policies? (And what is their policy anyway?). The "wasted vote" thing is interesting. You could just as easily say the NDP will not form the government, at least in the forseeable future, so voting for them is a waste. Despite what I might think of Elizabeth May, the stronger the Green Party is the better off this country is too.
  18. I think it would be cool for me to have this. If anybody else gets it, it's creepy. And I don't expect to bid, so creepy.
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