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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. That apparently makes it a little harder still to trade him
  2. Currently public enemy number 1 in Ottawa. The guy has shown himself in the past to be an adequate - very good goalie but since getting the big contract, and subsequently losing official number 1 status, has shown himself to be adequate - adequate and become a bit of a train wreck in terms of showing up late, getting in accidents, leaving practice early, etc.
  3. Is that chair wired directly into the system?
  4. Hey there. Good to hear from you. Thanks again for those hand warmers. It turns out it was pretty cold that night and I got lost on the subway (not actually lost; I knew where I was but I got on a brown instead of a red and those outdoor stations are pretty cold). Have fun at the residency. We're jealous. PS - I was thinking of our conversation about 10 minutes ago. I just got a email from thehip.com and they're doing a show in Brockville. The hall holds about 700 people. How about that?
  5. I had been thinking about this compilation before but never bought it. When I saw this thread, I thought
  6. Tell your dog that free speech is a right but it carries responsbility
  7. The guy who said that felt like a total ass afterwards. It seemed like such an obvious joke and that Jeff had somehow missed it. After I blurted it out, he said he had even written it on the set list. I felt really bad about stepping on his line. Idiot.
  8. http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle3261591.ece from Times Online From today, feel free to download another 25 million songs - legally Adam Sherwin, Media Correspondent, in Cannes After a decade fighting to stop illegal file-sharing, the music industry will give fans today what they have always wanted: an unlimited supply of free and legal songs. With CD sales in free fall and legal downloads yet to fill the gap, the music industry has reluctantly embraced the file-sharing technology that threatened to destroy it. Qtrax, a digital service announced today, promises a ca
  9. and if you didn't buy one, you're a dick - or is that dyck?
  10. Very interesting take. This bit is like a stake through Clinton's heart to me:
  11. Thanks - what would that be - 10 to 15 minute walk to Vic?
  12. Anybody familiar with Art of Pizza or Erwin? Guy's gotta eat.
  13. "Please Be Patient With Me" Whatever you do, no message that says "your call is important to us". By the time I've heard that phrase 3 times, I know my call is not important.
  14. Let me preface this by saying clearly that I don't mean to rag on potato at all whatsoever in any way. I think it's fantastic when this kind of info is shared with fans - I've been able to go to some pretty special shows because of posts like this. So thanks potato. The thing I would say however is that before you buy from Ticketmaster, please consider checking with people here who posted tickets for sale. As somebody who has also had extra tickets in the past (I don't have any for sale for this show so it's not a conflict of interest or anything), it is frustrating and disappointing
  15. Here are Bon Iver's Canadian tour dates: Feb. 26 Moncton, NB @ Manhattan w/Black Mountain Feb. 27 Halifax, NS @ Marquee Club w/Black Mountain Feb. 29 Montreal, QC @ La Sala Rossa w/Black Mountain March 5 Toronto, ON @ Lee's Palace w/Black Mountain March 25 Vancouver, BC @ Media Club
  16. Me. http://www.myspace.com/kathleenedwards I have tickets to see her at the Black Sheep Inn in a couple of months. I'm pretty excited about seeing Kathleen there (again).
  17. I would be a lot less concerned if the United States weren't 9 trillion in debt. A trillion here, a trillion there; soon you're talking real money.
  18. I certainly agree with this but it was pretty common knowledge that banks and brokers were doing these loans that nobody ever thought there was a chance of being paid off. Action should have been taken before this house of cards collapsed.
  19. as of 9:15 ET on Monday am, I can pull up at least 4
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