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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. Thanks again to everybody for their advice and information. I've never been to Chicago so just having the links and stuff is a great help and info on stuff like "reds" and "browns" is a huge help.
  2. Got the Sheraton Chicago Hotel Tower (301 East North Water Street) for $70. This is on.
  3. quarter23cd - sorry to hear about that - if I don't get a good deal, I'll boycott too kimcatch22 (or others) - thanks. I was having trouble pinpointing The Vic on the Priceline maps but thought North Michigan seemed closest. I take it The Vic is still north of the North Michigan Ave - River North Area zone? The next zone north is Skokie - Niles - Evanston which seems too far north?
  4. Say I wanted to go to Chicago and see a show at the Vic. If I was bidding on Priceline, what should my priority be for these zones? North Michigan Ave - River North Area Millennium Park, Loop & Grant Park Area Greater Chicago I won't have much time to see too much more than the show so ease of access to venue would be my first interest. Seasons Greetings and thanks in advance for any advice.
  5. Are you really 30, and if so, why do I find that depressing? Anyway, that's my problem and not yours. Have a great birthday. As others have said, thanks for all your work keeping the coffee hot and the floors swept in here. Regards!
  6. A goat https://www.strategicprofitsinc.com/hosted/...t.php?gift_id=4
  7. Speaking of Canadians, Danny Michel should get some love.
  8. Crazy. Sorry - was quoting you from memory.
  9. Yeah, what we really want to know about is your deep personal connection to her.
  10. We flew across Canada once and rented a car. A young guy from the rental company picked us up at the airport and drove us to their location. The kids were pretty pumped about getting somewhere they hadn't been, getting off the plane, etc and talked pretty much non-stop during this short car trip. At one point, we passed a field of cows. My son started talking about tipping cows. "You know you can tip them at night.... They're pretty big, it must be hard to tip them. I hear it's illegal and there's a fine". At this point, the driver speaks for the first time "It's $78". Turns out he ha
  11. Train in Vain. It was left off because it was going to be a free flexidisc in NME or something but then they changed their plans.
  12. Thanks. I'll see if I can find it (but the search function on the Mojo web site seems a little weak). He sorta stopped playing in Canada although he does show up from time to time. I can see how he could make the MP3 comment but it would certainly sadden me if he stopped making albums - some of us still listen start to finish.
  13. Elvis Costello said somewhere West was the best album of the year. As I have a pretty high regard for Elvis' opinion, I have downloaded it (but still haven't listened to it - so maybe my regard isn't THAT high???). Having read through this, I'm not likely to rush out to hear in in the near future.
  14. Cross the border guys. I'd go to Montreal?
  15. Ticketmaster has never been known for precise use of the english language but if today was actually a "presale", it would follow that there should be a "sale" sometime in the future.
  16. It wouldn't hurt to call TM and check your account. Sometimes these look like they don't go through but they do.
  17. I also should have said try 1 at a time rather than multiples
  18. Give it 30 minutes serious effort at least. And if nothing comes up, try at least intermittently all day.
  19. Cracked the code by going to the CAPA website. The promoter is Metropolitan Talent. After metropolitan and talent, I tried metro.
  20. try "metro" You all owe me
  21. A friend and I were in an upscale bar once where we couldn't seem to get any service. Since they had a free juke box, we played Detroit Rock City and Helter Skelter about 20 times each. Oddly enough, we still didn't get served.
  22. It will be the hardest ticket
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