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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. I'm still glad to have the self-released version but that's a really nice cover shot.....
  2. I am quite fond of I Am Shelby Lynne. Still, this is an odd first post.... Street team?
  3. Sheraton Chicago - East North Water Street
  4. OK then, you totally got served.
  5. Based on something LouieB said somewhere I've already checked The Reader listings but since this is still going on, I'd be happy to hear of any great places close to The Vic, but especially any place close to my hotel which seems to be somewhere northeast of the loop and southeast of Grand station (never been to Chicago but I think I've got that right). I'll be probably eating by myself so ambience is not very important and I typically don't look to spend a ton of money when I'm on my own.
  6. Welcome. On the postivie side, that still beats the old getting your head shaved when you're asleep initiation.
  7. When does this stop being funny and become painful? Soon I think.
  8. Wow! What are the chance of that being epic?
  9. That last picture looks more like a pinch than a pick
  10. Saw this on the atease board and thought it was worth stealing. Do a google image search on your username and post the first image:
  11. Acclaimed Music - http://acclaimedmusic.net/ They say #1 2002 for YHF. They are not the final authority but whatever. If you search the site, you can find a number of year-end lists there.
  12. As I said in this post here http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...p;#entry1017951, I got the Sheraton Chicago for $70/night. You should be able to find a 4 star for under $100/night at this time of year.
  13. I asked for similar advice for the solo show and ended up in a 4 star hotel for $70. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...p;#entry1017951 If you want any advice on using Priceline, let me know. I think it's a very good system but there are a couple of things you need to know/understand before using it.
  14. Great John K Samson interview with Radio Free Canuckistan here: http://radiofreecanuckistan.blogspot.com/2...eakerthans.html
  15. I'm pretty much in agreement with most of what has been said. If you (not YOU necessarily, but whoever) have a "rental-type" arrangement, whether or not there's a lease, the landlord person is counting on that income to pay the bills etc. Whether you are there or not, the room is "occupied" as far as the landlord is concerned. 'Cause if you left, they would rent it out to someone else who would pay half. And they have assigned that room to you expecting you to pay half. They don't really care if you are there or not. The stuff about them having a breakdown if you leave is emotionl bl
  16. OK, England - yeah, they're fat. When I saw the subjet line, I thought I was going to have to defend Britney again.
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