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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. Is that the show where he asks if his monkey is hanging out?
  2. Now wading thru "The Longest Winter" by David Halberstram. Its a comprehensive look at the Korean war and the major players involved. Who knew MacArthur was a despotic arrogant prick who completely ignored Korea and the US troops stationed there until it blew up? Not me. So far, a very interesting read.
  3. My wife called to tell me 2 planes hit the WTC. I said-how many planes? She said-two. Ok, bye, love ya, be safe, etc. I go and turn on the tube in the office and there it is. I alert my team, we watch a bit of it then go into a meeting, turning off the tv. Meeting's over, turn it back on and both buildings are collapsed by then. F*ck. My buddy, who's a heavy drinker and knows it, scheduled all his sales meetings in the WTC on 9/11 for 10am and later......he claims his drinking saved his life that day. Who knows, maybe it did. I worked a block away from the Sears Tower-my window had a very
  4. "Hesitating Beauty" by Wilco. Its a very nice song.
  5. I saw them on the HTH tour I believe.....that experience pretty much sealed the deal.....never paid them any mind since. To me, it sounds like trite MOR stuff.
  6. I never considered the Jayhawks as essential. In fact, I just considered them boring. Not trying to ruffle any feathers, just my humble opinion.
  7. I posted this awhile back........try these shows out for size..... I've mentioned a few times on this board that I strongly prefer the post Bennet, pre Cline era of Wilco. Over the weekend, I listened to three shows that I return to time and again when I'm in the mood for Jeff and his merry band. Their skilled ability to use tension and release coupled with a sometimes more 'sparse' sound along with the neat jams n segueways into the next tune AND Jeff's raw, more simplistic approach to guitar knock me on my back. Plus, these 3 recordings are A++. This is beautiful stuff folks, if you're unf
  8. I saw them play a free show (or something silly like 3 bucks) in Dekalb IL at the Eagles Club on a Tuesday nite in 1987. Never heard of them before but the price was right so I dragged a few pals with--its not like we were busy studying or anything. They put on a fun, high energy, balls-out show for the 30 or so people in the room. I think the lead singer had really, really long hair that he liked to whip around-it looked pretty damn cool. I still recall that show as one of the best punk/alt shows I've seen. A bonus was that draft beers were sold 3 for a buck. Side note--I saw Naked Raygun, Bl
  9. I'll second that notion. Check into how he avoided the draft in the Viet Nam era. You'll detest him even more. The man is a high priest hypocrite.
  10. Its healthy too. I'm going to triple the size of my garden next year.......and ask Santa for canning materials in anticipation of a bumper crop in 09.
  11. Sure. What would most people do if civilization broke down? Where would they get their food if the supply chain for food distribution no longer existed? I know a guy whos family eats no meat from stores, ONLY deer and elk from his hunts and he's awful proud about it.
  12. For myself, hunting (and fishing) is a way to stay/feel connected to nature. I am participating in an act that human beings have been involved in since.....well, since cavemen figured out that animals taste pretty good. A successful hunt results in healthy meat (no additives, hormones, whatever) that you cant get at your local grocery. As long as I treat nature respectfully and use what I harvest, I think its an honorable act. It may be tough to understand, but killing and cleaning an animal and eating it is real-it doesnt get anymore real than that-there is a circle of life/death present that
  13. I wish the Dems would finally come to the realization that the US of A under the guidance of the GOP is simply performing God's will.
  14. A-man....your cowpunk link reminded me of a few of bands I saw way back when and had totally forgotten about.........the Hickoids and Dash Rip Rock....and then there's Nashville Pussy, who I was certain was gonna revive the entire rock genre with the sheer power and spectacle of their live show.....ah, good times.....
  15. "Highway to Hell" is one of my desert islands albums.
  16. Another Roadside Attraction Jitterbug Perfume Skinny Legs and All All those mentioned above have their merits.....one of those merits being a very enjoyable read.
  17. Where's the love for Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen???
  18. Good call.....this is a very good show. I listened to this show just a few weeks ago.....I've been so deep into 68 the last few months that I made a decision to put away all the 68 shows for a while..........yesterday I listened to three 73 shows while BBQing a pork shoulder and a roaster chicken.
  19. Sell Bloody Marys and you'll go down in neighborhood history as having one of the best garage sales ever.
  20. Awwww man.........guess who's not gonna sleep tonite now. Thanks, thanks a lot!
  21. Any man who claims he isnt a sex addict is a liar.
  22. The one scene showing Jerry, Bobby and Phil jamming during Dark Star is worth the price of admission.
  23. I watched "Night of the Living Dead" when I was 6 years old. To this day, I cant watch that film.
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