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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. Just started "Garcia" by Blair Jackson.
  2. They are playing the street fest at Damen and Chicago. Slated to play at 8:30pm. 5 bucks!
  3. My man! Oh yeah, dont forget the firecrackers. It just aint a concert without tossing a couple packs into the faceless mass of dorks crowding your space at a show!
  4. Dont forget to talk loudly thru the entire concert, continually call out requests for Uncle Tupelo tunes and aggressively confront anyone who violates your space. Have a great show, brah!
  5. Is that the story about a guy walking the Appalachian Trail? On a mostly unrelated topic-hiking the AT is a life goal of mine.
  6. "Peace" by Richard Bausch. Started it last nite, I'll be done with it by end of today. Good read, well written, interesting story.
  7. I'm glad you spoke up-interesting backstory to that show. I'm curious......do you recall Janet from Sleater-Kinney playing a lot during this show? I was wondering if she was the one that added the extra "something" to Handshake Drugs or if it was Jeff just going nuts.
  8. I finished "Fools Progress" a few weeks ago. Outside of the fascination with his schlong and the 'reveal' in the last third of the book, it was ok. I'd rate it a 'meh'.
  9. Nels just doesnt do it for me. I have a few shows from early on when he joined (didnt Nels debut at Otto's, right after Jeff got out of rehab?), saw him with the band in 10/05(?) and just cant reconcile the newer sound with what was happening during the "Golden Time" of the post Bennet pre Cline era.
  10. I've mentioned a few times on this board that I strongly prefer the post Bennet, pre Cline era of Wilco. Over the weekend, I listened to three shows that I return to time and again when I'm in the mood for Jeff and his merry band. Their skilled ability to use tension and release coupled with a sometimes more 'sparse' sound along with the neat jams n segueways into the next tune AND Jeff's raw, more simplistic approach to guitar knock me on my back. Plus, these 3 recordings are A++. This is beautiful stuff folks, if you're unfamiliar with these shows, run to get 'em. You wont be disappointed, I
  11. I saw the NL from my roof of my old place in Andersonville (Chicago) on a Sunday nite a few years ago. Dont forget, the Perseid meteor shower is peaking in the early morning hours before dawn on Tuesday 8/12. Usually, its worth getting up early or even staying up all nite if you get into what I call 'natures firework show'.
  12. Buckley has that ultra distinctive voice that you cant mistake for anyone else. His was a nice show to listen to while driving somewhere on a Sunday afternoon. He'll be missed.
  13. The poor devil, he's gotta be in contention for worst name ever.
  14. 10/10/82 is a rather fine AUD recording that is available thru the Archive
  15. If you wish, please do tell the story. "Screaming..." is up next, after I finish "Moon Palace" by Auster (3rd time I've read it, just as good as the 1st time).
  16. Right on sister! Its Folgers or Hills Bros for me, I dont do that high end coffee scene.
  17. I'm waiting until my Joker facepaint arrives.
  18. I loved Screamin' Jay Hawkins in Mystery Train. In fact, the entire flick rocked.
  19. I watched this last nite. Ok B flick, could've been funnier and needed a lot more blood but at 1:20 minutes, it didnt require much of a time investment. "I Drink Your Blood" 1971 Some grimy hippies (who happen to be dedicated to devil worship) take over a rat-infested, abandoned farmhouse after their van breaks down. An old man tries to intervene but gets manhandled by the squatters. In retribution, one of the old man's grandkids kills a rabid dog, drains its blood and injects it into a batch of meat pies that he sells to the Satanists. It isn't long before the infection spreads -- zombies
  20. Are you advocating empowerment or anarchy?
  21. I knew I could get someone to back me up
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