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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. True. However, I didnt make my earlier point clear enough. IMO, the union as well as overly competitive salaries being paid are hurting Ford. Nowhere else does a 6 year financial analyst make 6 figures (except in I-Banking and methinks that'll be changing....).
  2. I talk to a lot of people looking to leave Ford or have already taken a package from them..........the benefits these folks received (thanks to the union) are unbelieveable. Then there's the overly high wages these people were paid (and now expect elswhere). I'm a fan of the concept of the workers union but in Fords case, the union appears to be bleeding the company dry.
  3. I'm in it for the long haul so I suppose we're ok. Thanks again. Also, never, EVER change that avatar. Its like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
  4. Sure, I do see a difference (I'm a scenario A person, btw). I wasnt sure if there was some sort of risk out there for people in my situation that I wasnt aware of. Thanks for explaining your perspective.
  5. The Sword of Shanara series was good. Epic journey, fighting overwhelmingly evil forces type plot line. Good read for teens, if you like that kinda thing.
  6. The market is down 714 points right now.......apparantly it dropped 400 points in 10 minutes after the news of the failed bailout was released.
  7. More than two-thirds of Republicans and 40 percent of Democrats opposed the bill.
  8. The Meat Puppets have a tune titled just that. I always have to fast forward it due to the kiddies around.
  9. Saw them open for the Butthole Surfers when Vaseline was a hit. Good show, definitely better than the Stone Temple Pilots, who were also on the bill. Then there was the Music Against Brain Degeneration tour (1999?) at the Metro, which had Robin Hitchcock and Sebadoh on the bill with them. That was a great show but nowhere near the current level of 'spectacle' that is their current schtick. They did hand out FM radios with headphones to everyone who wanted one so you could hear the show in stereo. That was cool and took a lot of effort on their part.
  10. I looked it up....he wrote the Elric of Melnibone series, which included Rackhir. Pretty good fantasy fiction but I was 13 when reading it.....so who knows.
  11. Moorcock......didnt he write the Rockhir the Red Archer series?
  12. I asked a pal of mine recently why he's supporting McCain.......he said because Obama would raise taxes........and because he's a Muslim. You can imagine my surprise that my buddy.....college educated........holds a high degree of responsibility at a major corporation....responsible family man.......lucid thinker.......bought into the lies and claptrap spewed out by the Right (there are LOTS of emails going around claiming Obama is a Muslim). Either that or its because Obama is black.....and my bud wont admit that to me. It makes me crazy thinking about it.
  13. Sadly, I know people who wont vote for Obama because he's black.
  14. I would have welcomed that. 'bout time Israel did something. I'm tired of America being Israel's errand boy.
  15. McCain is on record stating that "he has always been in favor of deregulation". He said that in March of this year while chatting with reporters from the Wall St Journal.
  16. I read somewhere recently that that photo was reenactment of the event. For that matter, so was the famous flag raising photo on Mt Suribachi on Iwo Jima. The first flag raising on the mountain happened hours earlier.
  17. Whats scary is that some folks are still willing to vote for Republicans after 8 years of gross GOP mismanagment. 2 years?!? By my count, its been almost 8 years of nightmare.
  18. Yeah, it put me in a rather dark mood after reading it. Might as well contemplate how reality may play itself out, eh? If I was a praying man, I'd be on my knees right now. Perhaps I will, for my kids sake.
  19. The Bitter Fruits of Deregulation By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Remember the good old days when the economic threat was mere recession? The Federal Reserve would encourage the economy with low interest rates until the economy overheated. Prices would rise, and unions would strike for higher benefits. Then the Fed would put on the brakes by raising interest rates. Money supply growth would fall. Inventories would grow, and layoffs would result. When the economy cooled down, the cycle would start over. The nice thing about 20th century recessions was that the jobs returned when the Federal Reserve
  20. Yeah, I gotta read Shakey. MB, thanks for your response, I'll keep an eye out for it.
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