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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. Nah, the hair is real. I used to see him jog around my neighborhood, his hair flopping around every which way......followed by a fat cop on a bike, who was followed by an undercover squad car. He smiled at me a few times and I responded with some choice words on what I thought of him and his policies. I used to love that about my old neighborhood.
  2. Thats what the reports are saying.........the seat was for sale or Rod himself was going to take it. Goodbye Rod, you pathetic piece of......well, you know.
  3. At this moment "Easy To Slip". That choice is subject to change at any time, for any reason.
  4. Watched "Encounters at the End of the World".......good but not Herzog's best work. Saw "The Visitor" last nite....made me wanna pick up my conga drum again. Slow, kinda sleepy flick but worthwhile.
  5. heh! That guy was so pathetic I actually felt a tiny bit embarrassed and sorry for him.
  6. "The King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters"....saw it last night. Interesting film that is chock full of nerds with OCD. Made me think back on the glory days of game rooms in the mid 80s.....I ruled on Galaga and Stargate.
  7. I feel your pain and know exactly what you're talking about. My driveway is a gigantic pain in the arse in the winter. Snow removal, while mundane and dull, does require forethought as well as muscle. French brandy needs to be handy too. My method is to use a shovel designed to clear snow from a pond (for ice skating). It's got an extra wide, sturdy blade. Its heavy but very effective. Then I'll clear a portion while watching to see how far I can go without snow tumbling off either side of blade. I'll use that as my benchmark for further efforts. Of course, I still end up with those lines
  8. I always liked the GD's take on gospel tunes.......Cold Jordan and I Bid You Good Night are great songs..........I wonder if that was Jerry's influence from his bluegrass days...
  9. "Best news all day!" said the longtime Lost fan.
  10. She's Dutch so I'm sure she likes French stuff just fine. I think I somehow stepped over some bizarre line of hers by bringing something that wasnt specifically requested. For me, it just aint Turkey Day without a lil' nip of fresh French vino and I know by now (we're married 11 years) that she sure isnt going to shell out the 14 bucks to make it happen. Ah well, I just cant win for trying......the wine sure was good though! (George DeBueff, 2008)
  11. I cant recall, is this the last season?
  12. Roasted root vegies sounds interesting. What kind of roots you eating there sister? Wine......I provided the Bow-jew-lay New-vou (Sorry, I'm unable to spell most everything French) and ticked off the mother in law something fierce. She had some swill she probably picked up in the deal bin at Walgreens. Funny thing about it......no one, not even her, drank any of the swill she laid out. Greenbean cassarole.....what IS the deal with that stuff, I just dont get it.
  13. Watched MST3K's version of 'Godzilla vs Megalon' with the kids last nite. Tons of laughs!
  14. Just finished it......it was actually called "Sin and the Second City". Outside of learning a bit about the torrid Levee district in Chicago, it's not worth the time investment.
  15. Theres a good documentary on Milk......made in the early 80s....'Life and Times of Harvey Milk' I believe its called.
  16. Maybe Corgan's unhappiness is related to his hair (or lack there of). If I looked like Uncle Fester, I'd be pissed too.
  17. Word. Gish is a pretty good album.....and they were really good at the club level. Last time I saw them was at Double Door, spotlighting their to be released new album Infinite Sadness or whatever. After that, I was done with them.
  18. I saw a photo of him from his recent run of shows in Chicago. He was dressed in some sort of gold sun god costume and looked utterly ridiculous. What a mook.
  19. I loves me some WRS! I wish they didnt cut it down to just "Let It Grow" in later years......
  20. "Off the Grid; Life on the Mesa" Documentary about hippies, patriots, nut jobs and runaways living in the desert in New Mexico. Mildly interesting. If looking for a documentary about desparate people, "Streetwise" still leads the pack.
  21. I was in Dallas for the first time last week. From what I saw, Dallas has more strip malls per acre than Naperville. Thats quite an achievement.
  22. Having lived there for 3 years now.........and spent a good portion of my earlier life deriding both Schaumburg and Naperville for the shallow, soulless places that they are.........I'm gonna have to agree with imdwalrus. However, the schools are good and my pad rocks......I just dont go anywhere when I'm home-its all stripmalls and chain restaurants. I would kill for a decent Thai or Viet place!
  23. When my buddy was at Woodstock 94, he took a picture of an old man wookie who was so out of his mind, he placed his head in the crook of a tree--still standing--and fell asleep. His head got stuck in the crook........thats when my buddy took the picture. The photo itself is so f'n funny, words can not describe it properly. Maybe I can get a copy of it, if so I'll share.
  24. Just started "Sex and the Second City"
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