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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. Dont forget the Wilcoians.......they are the real power wielders of the world.
  2. "The next century can be and should be the humanistic century...we stand at the dawn of a new age...a secular society on a planetary scale....As non-theists we begin with humans not God, nature not deity...we deplore the division of humankind on nationalistic grounds....Thus we look to the development of a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational federal government....The true revolution is occurring." Hey, that sounds like an ok idea to me!
  3. Anyone think that sometimes Charlotte sorta looks like that kid Rocky from Mask?
  4. Watched "The Lover" a few days ago. First saw it when I lived in Barcelona and starved for ANYTHING in the English language. That Jane March sure was a brazen hussy!
  5. Isnt the worlds biggest ball of tinfoil located just outside of Flagstaff?
  6. Wait, wha--what?! You didnt like Wall Drug either? What in tarnation is WRONG with you people? If you say Mt Rushmore is a complete dud, thats IT......I'M OUTA HERE!!
  7. Corn Palace is simply amazing!! Be careful if you choose to hike down any of the Grand Canyon trails. While it looks benign, its not a place to mess with. Make sure to visit the lodge for a drink one night.......and do some star gazing over the Canyon afterwards......we saw the Hale-Bopp comet over the canyon in 97, very very cool sight.
  8. If you pinned a badge to your chest, you could be a thread cop. Imagine the possibilities!
  9. Perhaps you should write a letter to your local, state and federal goverments for thread reading legislation and regulation.
  10. The last entire football game I've watched was when the Bears won the Superbowl in Jan, 1986. Last night I saw exactly zero seconds of Superbowl pregame/game/post game coverage. It was awesome!
  11. And yet........I still havent clicked on any of those links to find out what all the fuss is about.......someday perhaps........someday.
  12. Last nite, a few episodes from the 3rd season of Ren & Stimpy. Meh. It just wasnt that funny without John Krik at the helm.
  13. I've lived without a guilty conscience for years now.
  14. Last nite, it was "The House Bunny". We laughed, we smirked, we didnt cry.
  15. And the kids partner for the shift had no idea......
  16. Boy oh boy, this time travel stuff is kooky! I wish they'd explain 'the numbers'......
  17. I dont think I can get myself to sell them, sorry. Lets see how deep the recession goes...... Back in the 80s, I figured out a way to stop the Galaga game I was playing from dropping bombs. I ended up playing it for hours. It made the gameroom much more economical.
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