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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. Agreed. The only reason I mentioned Sid and Nancy was because it was the only one I actually watched to the end. I have no interest at all in seeing a film made about JG.
  2. "Seeds and Stems" Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen
  3. Dont worry.......in only 9 to 18 months, the job market will be robust again.
  4. Just a quick tip.......dont put 'see resume' anywhere on an application. Its an easy red flag to see that someone may have a difficult personality.
  5. On that note..........from huffington.com Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron appeared on The O'Reilly Factor tonight and described in much fuller detail the truly astonishing behavior, and lack of knowledge, of Sarah Palin on the campaign trail, as well as the nasty infighting that resulted from, some would say, Palin's "diva" behavior. Cameron relates how McCain aides were terrified of Palin's lack of knowledge of international, national, and even basic civic issues. Cameron reports that Palin was unfamiliar with the concept of "American exceptionalism," and that
  6. I'd like to think that Obama would prefer live recordings over the studio stuff.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I had plans with a friend to go walk over and see it one Tuesday afternoon in mid September 2001 but those plans got scratched.
  8. Bah! You worry too much, man. I predict the biggest issue to be the Metra ride home.
  9. And a better world (hopefully) starts tomorrow.
  10. I agree, Obama is gonna be even better than we expect.
  11. Someone I know forwarded an application email to me from Obama's campaign (I posted here right after I got it). I thought that since I volunteered for him, it was worth a shot. Color me surprised that I actually was awarded some. I suppose this means that O isnt holding it against me for voting Libertarian in the 90s. I admit to having some trepidation.....if the mood is sour (meaning the projections arent going the way we want), I'll be not attending. My days of civil disobedience are o-vah!
  12. I found out later this morning that four other people in my office got tix too. This is gonna be GREAT!
  13. I arrived at work this morning to find a notice from the Dem party in my inbox that I GOT TICKETS to Obama's rally!!! This is gonna be very cool.........me and friends rented some office space right at Roosevelt and Michigan....and I have two tickets.......good thing I took Wed off
  14. I walked into a restaurant/bar at Armitage and Damen(?) in the mid 90s and asked the bartender to break a $20 for me. Then it dawned on me that it was Seka. IIRC, she was the owner. Btw, M. Chris, I like those photos, neat stuff.
  15. You should, its good with red wine and thick chunks of raw bacon fat (a Romanian mainstay that a roommate of mine was eating---to my horror----until I tried it).
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