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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. Nickel Creek covered that tune pretty soon after the album came out.
  2. Agreed. I can be totally enthralled by Jay Farrar, Welch/Rawlings, Tweedy and Neil Young in the solo acoustic setting.
  3. Good points. I also think it is because they are a band and not 4 dudes from the Dead playing with other musicians for a tour. Mayer is really into these songs where as Haynes and Herring were just there to play their lead-style guitar to fill in. Same with Trey at FTW. I also think there was a lot of buzz and momentum created by FTW which helped them. Definitely helped Phish. To keep this going there has to be some new blood that keeps it interesting rather than rehashing. Although, I know many see it as rehashing. Furthur was very tight, but very weird with JK in the uncanny valley of JG.
  4. Has Dylan made a statement? In the Don't Look Back era it's like Dylan was pissed that he had become Dylan. He writes Masters of War and then claims not to be a protest singer. ?
  5. Loved it. Could've watched that for hours. Didn't know Petty smoked like fish though. Damn.
  6. i really wanted to like Black Country. Thought it might tone Bonamassa down. Not so. Of course they are going for a Zep vibe. Their first single is pretty good. "Great music for people that know nothing about music" JW Couldn't agree more. Like the people that go see Neil Young and wonder why he didn't play Teach Your Children.
  7. He could be great, but he has absolutely no dynamics. I can see him doing a Zep kind of thing with some eastern acoustic tunes and some more rock and roll riffs that are not turned to eleven the whole time.
  8. Yeah, that's it. YHF will be interesting given the demos that did come out from that. Venus Stop the Train, Not For This Season etc.
  9. Wasn't My Words a BT era? Also, wasn't there an AM era song called Rock Rock or something? Not sure why the Golden Smog tunes are on there. I'm sure there's more in the vault. This might be the beginning of the reissues of all of the albums.
  10. Yeah, that was a fun one. Just had a good vibe to me. I'll be curious to see how Dick's goes. Wonder if they'll be able to keep up the momentum.
  11. Good question. I'm trying to figure that out myself! I'd recommend; 7/23-Played very well. Maybe best It's Ice ever and the Wolfman's>Twist>Waves is top shelf. 7/25-The jam-filled night. Lawn Boy is taken to the outer rim. Some flubs here and there on other songs. Sample is even jammed out! 8/2-My favorite. Just had a good vibe and again all was played well. Whole 2nd set was incredible (Mike's>O Holy Night!). Maze was classic 1.0 Let us know what you think.
  12. Listened to most of the shows live. Streamed a few too (legally). First thing that stuck out was that the band practiced. They practiced Mound, Foam, It's Ice etc. These are songs they have been f'n up for years and it has been a major obstacle for me. As a jaded vet, I missed the precision from 1.0. The other thing about these shows was that the band was rested and in a groove. Jams, basic playing, harmonies, risk taking...all in high degree. By the last third of the shows it really was like 1.0 again. You knew it was going to be a solid show no matter what and the surprises were the meat of
  13. Why no spotify? LOL! I have a love hate relationship with it. It's overwhelming and takes away the fun of buying new music and letting it sink in. On the other hand, it has everything! Looking forward to this release. I don't think it was mentioned in his biography which i find curious as it does discuss Homegrown etc.
  14. Nick Lowe opening for Wilco in '11 was great. He is a classic.
  15. So sad. May the Tweedy's claim their space and time to care for themselves and grieve as they will for Bob. Rest in peace great conceiver of musical genius.
  16. Those standards albums are pretty cheesy, but that band is so good. I listen just for that. Also, Love & Theft is great! Miss is one of my favorite Dylan tunes. Also, Tweedle comes of great live.
  17. I agree man. Pure Garcia with JGB. Lucky to see them a few times. It was such a classy set up too. He could play those covers as his own.
  18. I don't know how to say this with out being cliche, but this album really solidifies the Tweedy/Dylan comparison. Has there ever been a songwriter like Tweedy before or after? I don't think so. Where the boomers had Neil Young, Springsteen and Dylan gen-x has Tweedy, Farrar and Hood(?). IMHO of course.
  19. Good to know! Release day automatic buy for me.
  20. Interesting points. I've never really thought about the post-jerry stuff that way. I will agree, all the incarnations have lacked any sort of group formation. Especially the Other Ones and the Dead. It was always about pulling in whatever guitar player as a guest and never forming a real group. Phil kind of got there with PLQ and I guess, to some extent, Ratdog. As the core 4, no. Not really sure what to call Furthur...The Dead Tribute to the Dead? Bob has said that he wanted D/Co to pick up where the actual GD left off. Not sure if that has been the case. To your main point @Winterland, th
  21. I loved that video they had in the early 80s. Can't remember the title?
  22. No doubt. The satire in the comment section is great. You could say anything and attribute it to 'liberals' and the right would go apeshit. The stuff they come up with is incredible. Mentally ill?
  23. I had one of these right wing dudes tell me that liberals kill while conservatives 'let die'.
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