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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. How did no one reply to this? In these days of kids just being snot nosed little bastardos and lazy buggers, this is a lovely story. Good on that kid and good on his dad for being a respectful guy. Service people deserve our thanks all the time no matter what you think about the conflicts they have to fight.
  2. I just can't abide him or his coterie of Ben Stiller, Steve Carrel or whatever his name is, that fat hairy fucker in the Knocked Up movie and all the rest of that pack of "comedians". Give me Abbot and Costello anyday.
  3. Saw Steve Earle last night at Cork Opera House. Nice crowd of about 600 in there. Solo show with lots of chat from Steve in between songs. He's a very funny dude. Rhett Miller was the support and he wasn't half bad either even though I didn't know much about him. Steve played for about 2 hours and was enthralling throughout. Great version of Down In The Hole which he introduced as being for "insomniacs or Tom Waits fans". Who Do You Love? Colorado Girl Spoken word thing about Townes. Rex's Blues Fort Worth Blues Pancho & Lefty Brand New Companion Tom Ames' Prayer My Old Friend The Blue
  4. His whole career is just a shit fest. I shudder and turn off anything I see him in.
  5. Yes, I saw this on the news late last night before I went out. Very sad. Seems he had a problem with depression and the fact that they lost a daughter just added to his despair.
  6. That looks awesome. I would love something like that. Mucho dinero?
  7. God, are they that old already? Damn....
  8. Well, obviously you are a Smarmy Condescending Hurtful Bitch.
  9. I've been to Paradise...but I've never been to me.
  10. Cate Blanchett looks like she just got gangfucked.
  11. God, that album was like a drug for us at school. It got passed around so many times and taped by so many people.
  12. Is anyone else seeing sexual aids here?
  13. Just thought I would mention the following just in case no one else did. Rory Gallagher, for just being awesome and a heck of a nice guy. Robert Fripp, for being awesome and having the balls to have sex with Toyah. Eddie Hazel, for Maggot Brain.
  14. Saxon are still at it indeed. I really liked them for a time there in the 80's or whenever. Wheels Of Steel, Denim & Leather and Strong Arm Of The Law were albums I really enjoyed at the time.
  15. I take your point completely. I never really listened to them much and the later stuff was pretty anodyne "hair rock" and does nothing for me. Give me Pantera anyday. I suppose I was on much the same tip as American "youngsters" but with Lizzy and the NWOBHM acts more in my line of fire. I presume if I was living in the States in those formative years I would have been listening to vastly different stuff than I ended up listening to.
  16. I saw this recently and really enjoyed it. I did find that Lips guy a bit of a fucking trial though. Plus, even for a metal fan like me...those songs are shit. Even bands like Saxon had better stuff than that. Enjoyable little movie though.
  17. I am not really that bothered. I always felt he was a bit like an embarrassing uncle at a wedding to be honest. Kiss and Aerosmith were, to me, the quintessential American bands...bands who never made it really on this side of the world and were looked upon by those of us who were brought up on The Clash, Joy Division and The Smiths as a bit of a joke really.
  18. I haven't bought a cd in a while but that is nothing new for me. Christmas shopping I will splurge and buy a whole bunch of stuff I have on a list. I tend to bulk buy a couple times a year. I still like to have the actual artifact in my posession. Having said that, I do have a fierce amount of digital music. I only tend to buy the albums that I REALLY love. I don't think cd will die out for a long time yet. Everyone said that cd would herald the death of vinyl and that is still motoring along, in a smaller stream albeit.
  19. Been liking this new album a whole lot.
  20. Oh, it's a fine cover for what it is. Just that for putting it on message boards it looks a little like "is that it!"...and I hear THAT often enough as it is. NP: Anyone else listen to Chris Mills? Chicagoan, I believe. Glen Kotche plays on this album. I love this album and the next one Kiss It Goodbye.
  21. Worst album cover to post to internet message boards....ever..
  22. Ah right, I knew that and what that term means. I wondered why you had highlighted it in my post. Here...do what the song suggests and "walkaway" when in close proximity of Cast.
  23. A bunch of people did, especially gullible Americans with a tenuous connection to Ireland. Not that I am saying that is you. No offence! My father grew up in more or less the same time frame and he pshaw'd it when he read it. Everyone was poor, everyone had a shit life...that's the way Ireland was in those days...and is heading back to lol....but McCourt was nothing special. He fucked off to America and so did millions of others. I just hate the way this book is fawned over as if it is some sort of historical document.
  24. Indeed, always great to see Zevon lovers anywhere. Re-discovering quite a fantastic album today. Best thing he has ever done in his solo guise.
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