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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Anyone a fan of or familiar with Sunn O))) ? Sludge, doom noise experimental metal? Even a few minutes after listening to their new album my head and ears are still ringing. Some weird ass shit. Good to experience it every once in a while but I sure wouldn't want to live there.
  2. I love this album, have done from first listen. I love it when E gets really stalkerish and heavy with his tunes.
  3. Sounds good enough to me so far. Only had one listen so far and forgot it on the way to work today so am only getting back to it now. A lot of good riffs and RJD sounds pretty good for a man in his 60's.
  4. Playing Summerteeth here now as well and just feeling a little down in the dumps about Jay's passing. I just realised how "fun" the band sound on this record. They sound truly happy to be up there and bashing out the tunes. This is something I have missed in recent Wilco and this is why Summerteeth will remain my favourite Wilco record.
  5. Wow, what a damn shame. So young and unexpected. That is the second death I have heard of today. Sometimes days just suck balls. As someone once said, I bet they have a hell of a band in heaven. They just got another great player.
  6. That is good, normally I run a mile from fan's renditions but he pulls it off.
  7. I can't wait to see the uberfan who adopted a camel. I used to smoke Camels, if that's any good to you. Actually, nix that. It really doesn't sound right at all.
  8. Hall Of Fame here we come then! I totally envy you guys that can watch live baseball. I can only follow it online and that is a bit of a pain in the arse. There is a channel over here that you can add to your satellite subscription but it costs quite a bit and I can't really justify it. Having consideration for other people in the house sucks balls.
  9. Positive: It's a pretty good album which will hold my interest long after, unlike SBS. Negative: I have to work tomorrow when it seems half the planet is on a holiday of some sort or other. Youse is all bastards.
  10. Not much choice than to play him really was there? Tatis hasn't played SS in 10 years or more. Still, three on the bounce against the Red Sox would be sweet.
  11. Gilded Palace Of Sin is a big fave of mine. That Sacred Hearts and Fallen Angels looks a nice little package too.
  12. He thrusts his fists against the post and still insists he sees the ghost. Good ole Bill Denbrough, who later became a famous writer.
  13. I bought this magazine a few times over the last few years and it has almost always been a bunch of tremendous shite. Have the band never been on the cover? Is it like the music mags over here where you will only find The Beatles, The Who, Led Zep, Neil, Bob and other "classics" on the cover? I suppose the cover image is just there to sell the mag anyway. As Hank Moody said... "You write for Rolling Stone and you don't like music? Oh I forgot, you write for Rolling Stone."
  14. Great setlist indeed and Tenerife would be a perfect hang out now at this time of year too.
  15. Big kudos on the Zevon! Bit of a contrast but such is life.
  16. Exactly what I was thinking. You will be fine and dandy. Take yourself out of your head this weekend. Do the cat/doorway thing. Try it with random strangers that pass by your house. You could start a craze. Like a hula hoop...ya know, for kids!
  17. Not a bad suggestion, thanks. They actually fit the criteria laid down by the act. The act has 4 or 5 major points and they qualify based on all those. The act was 8 years ago and they were 15 and 11 then so no problems there.
  18. The Taliban had better weapons in 1983.
  19. Sounds like I need to get a hold of this one. I loved In The Reins too and Our Endless Numbered Days is a huge fave of mine.
  20. Well, I am hoping to get the passport first here thru the US Embassy here and then apply for a new SS number and card. I have details on how to do that but as I mentioned it is a pain in the ass. It really is more for my kids who would like to go and maybe work in the US when they are done with college, which is soon. I would like them to be able to go under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000. Long process but hopefully it will be worthwhile.
  21. Poor bastard is double fucked up. I feel for him, he pissed it all away and his so called friends just helped him.
  22. Apologies, I should have made it a bit clearer. I was just angry there. I was born in NYC and lived there till I was 13 or so. But with my parents now long gone and very little information to hand here it is a wee bit difficult. I have a US birth cert and am going through the hoops but it is just a pain in the ass.
  23. I have had it up to here with Government shennanigans. I am trying to apply for a US passport and am sick and tired of Govt. websites and their jargon. It looks like I will have to apply in person at the embassy in Dublin and then there is the whole thing of why I joined the Defence Forces of a foreign nation and all that malarkey. I tried applying online and am stymied by the fact that I don't have a Social Security number....or if I do, I have no idea what it is. How can terrorists and the like get into the country and I am being assfucked at every turn? I think I will just move to Bulgaria.
  24. Any fans of The Banshees around here? Great band back in the day.
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