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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Is this sightings of books in Lost?
  2. I could barely tolerate Leno and would record it only to see what music was on it. As for O'Brien, I detest the sight of the floppy haired prick. I hate his idiot style and everything about him makes me want to stab him several hundred times. The only one worth watching in that style is Jon Stewart.
  3. Now that's just plain daft. You are just making shit up now!
  4. Hope your Pop pulls through ok and lives to fight a whole bunch of years yet.
  5. I detest this even though I have totally been guilty of it from time to time. It is worse at smaller shows. I was kept very quiet one time at a Gillian Welch gig cause there were two lesbians making out next to me in the corner so...I was kind of occupied watching them quite a lot.
  6. Congrats on your good news and for having a vampire as a doctor, how cool!
  7. Sure, I get that. I don't see why those bands you mentioned should complain about whatever they were labelled though. It got them a fan base of sorts and from there they were entitled to do whatever they pleased, twang or not to twang as it were.
  8. But why shouldn't a band widen their horizons? If that is your rationale then you want Wilco to keep turning out AM and that's it.
  9. Thanks troops, excellent suggestion there Lammy!
  10. Oh man, she was a severe pain in the cock. How did they ever keep her alive so long? The two corpses in the cave early in Season One? Rose and Bernard maybe? With all the time travel malarkey going on you never know. It could be John and Yoko for all we know!
  11. It was funny enough for a while but I felt they were just beating it to death really. Not as bad as how they raped the corpse of Scrubs but still..
  12. Are those places still going? I can find most anything I ever want using Google blog search.
  13. You are right, it doesn't get mentioned as much as the two you mentioned but I think it may possibly be the best Jayhawks album.
  14. Watching back the pilot episode, weren't Boone and his sister annoying as fuck?
  15. I loved the final episodes, the time travel thing and hopping back and forth had become a little tiresome to me also but this finale completely held me from start to finish. One thing, I was kind of under the impression that the writer's were just making it up as they went along and seeing where each season took them but I re-watched the pilot episode today and there was Jack talking about accidentally cutting the dural sac of his first solo surgery, which we saw in flashback at the end of season 5. So maybe they had it all figured out before they even started.
  16. Of course Beltmann is probably right. Isn't he a Professor of Film or something? Those guys are normally right...and irritating...and always in the kitchen at parties. Weirdoes...
  17. I have never encountered a band who milk so much mileage from such a mediocre "career". The album is pretty pedestrian and the single is just plain irritating and here it is in THREE forms!
  18. I really should pick this one up too. I loved Warpaint and Luther is the biz as a guitarist.
  19. Which b-list celebrity will be the first to turn up with that stupid camel on a t-shirt? I am betting it will be that dude who plays Peter Petrelli on Heroes.
  20. Onan, no offence but why are you named after the biblical dude who coined the term onanism?
  21. Predictive texting is a super pain in the arse. I prefer just plain characters. Has the texting bug only hit America? I know US tourists over here who were amazed at the fact that everyone texts and it's second nature. One handed, without looking...hit send and that sucker is gone! I have a Sony Ericsson V640i and while it is serviceable and ok I would love a swish new phone. I got my other half this one for her birthday and it is a cool bit of kit.
  22. It is a great cast and Mortenson is notoriously bolshy as an actor and I know he has read the book well before any movie was mooted, so I am surprised he didn't hold out for a darker version or maybe to have Cronenberg helm it.
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