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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Jaysus, even RJD has cats! Anyway, the new album from Mastodon is teh feckin' brilliant.
  2. Same here. I went back to it after being unimpressed by the first few listens and then it just clicked into place. Some great songs on there like the one you mentioned.
  3. Why is that? Are you gonna set your big ole putty tat on me?
  4. A-Man, I thought you might have had my back but it seems you are a feline fancier too. For shame!
  5. Love the new track, the squeeze box brings a lovely upbeat dimension to it.
  6. If I really wanted to piss him off I would pinch his love handles that he is trying soooooo hard to hide.
  7. "Doesn't Morrissey look fat on his album cover-Never mind, feel the Wilco"
  8. Tell him Johnny Marr sends his love.
  9. I was just wondering there how you Americanos pronounce The T
  10. Never worked on chicks for you so I wonder why you bothered at all.
  11. Dude, those people bathing the cats are fucking whacked. They are treating them like little babies. Also, why on earth would you brush a cat's teeth? Don't they have something they can gnaw on to clean their own teeth?
  12. Man, that is such a great song. I am only at my first listen of the album and I am loving the shit out of it. Story, I can take or leave but it is feckin' great. You can clearly hear the influence of Black Mountain (awesome band) in The Queen's Rebuke.
  13. Get a proper pet, like a dog. Seriously, there are far too many people here have cats. Y'all are freaking me out with your felines.
  14. Now that's comedy gold! I still love the show and watch it whenever I can. Sure the quality dips from time to time but there is always something great in every episode.
  15. Gotta bunch of stuff lined up this evening: Giving this yet another listen to see if it sinks in. Offshoot band from Grizzly Bear. The most awesome Bill Callahan. Just got this today, first listen this evening. And just because I just watched the very marvellous Juno.
  16. Stupid Jupiter has stupid rings around it...why can't we have rings around our planet Mom?
  17. Huge fan here as well. Dongs Of Sevotion, Red Apple Falls, Rain On Lens and his solo stuff under his own name, all bloody brilliant. Such a wonderful back catalogue that is so rewarding to immerse yourself in.
  18. I got into this band way late, only at the Crane Wife album, then I backtracked and got the others and I totally fell for their literate, shiny pop. I have not heard the new one yet but if, like Solace said, it is a continuation of the style of the last album I know it will get a lot of airplay around mi casa.
  19. I am way behind on movies so I just saw Juno. What a gorgeous little movie, completely charming.
  20. Wilco vs Planned Parenthood
  21. Now you are just sucking all the fun out of the room. I am not paying a red cent unless someone gets humiliated and pees their pants.
  22. Or the good version of Are You Passionate? Is it me or did I read that the commercial uptake for Blu Ray was poor and the format looks like a bit of a dead duck?
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