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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Because he always goes to starboard in the bottom half of the hour.
  2. Vicar Street? Aren't the band a bit big for such a small venue? How many does that place hold? And why does everything have to be held in bastard Dublin?
  3. How do you mean? The thing about albums being mixed too loud and the whole Chili Peppers/Californication thing?
  4. Nice one, better than nought. Unlucky in the CL, now we have to beat you on Tuesday in Scouseville.
  5. A buddy of mine got it the other day and says it's great. However, he is a Sab nut and won't hear a bad word said about them. He also likes a lot of melodic rock stuff like Mr. Big and Extreme so....
  6. Don't feel bad. I only got it myself a couple years ago. There is too much stuff out there, you can't own it all.
  7. Ctrl/alt/delete and see "firefox.exe" running? Kill that and then re-start Firefox. Maybe you already did this. Uninstall the program completely and use IE as a browser to download Firefox again?
  8. I agree with Joss Ackland. (Come on, it's not every day you can type something like that) I eventually buy the stuff I really like and the stuff I don't, well, I don't waste money on it.
  9. Oh man, I was a massive fan of Devoto and Magazine back in the day. I would love to see them play on this current tour they are gonna do.
  10. He is also back with Devoto in Magazine now isn't he?
  11. That movie with Bill Murray and the eternally annoying Scarlet J? Jeez, that was some boring ass shit.
  12. This is the same band that had that Too Young single a while back? Frenchies? They were a couple of good singles off that debut album.
  13. Well it is not like I haven't tried! I even tried it at work today.
  14. Are they a popular breed? The dog I mean, not Presidents.
  15. And it ain't too fucking handy on the album either. Pure tosh.
  16. I thought their first 3 albums were really pretty good but it has been diminishing returns for me since then. I can't listen to them at all now, all the music seems to blur into one big one paced mush. Vedder's solo thing was pretty good but the best songs on that were written by someone else.
  17. So, zis is gut ya? As good as the first two and better than the last one?
  18. Just offhand, Ted Nugent? Anyway, ole Philos' hair will be a handy grab all when some 350 lb biker is busting his Khyber Pass.
  19. Fair play to her, she's had more "flutes" than James Galway.
  20. This is nice enough but that's about it. I don't really get the mad love for this guy.
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