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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. A stream of the new album by Ryan Bingham. Good stuff too. Roadhouse Sun
  2. 1. Via Chicago 2. Jesus Etc. 3. Ashes Of American Flags
  3. I must agree the trailer looked nothing like I had pictured the scene in my mind. Then again, if it did I suppose it would never have been made let alone sell tickets to punters.
  4. Solitaire? It gets me thru the interminable wait for the kettle to boil at work but I like to play draw 3, Vegas style.
  5. I adored Inland Empire, I had no idea what it was about really but just the assault on the senses and the complete strangeness of the movie was something to be cherished in these days of blockbuster tomfoolery.
  6. Three consecutive listens in and this new album certainly has potential and an appeal that will far outlast the previous album. Pacing seems a bit better, there are some very good songs on this and a few really great moments. I doubt it will be any kind of masterpiece and it is certainly no YHF or AGIB but it is an improvement on the SBS album. I highly doubt anything will surpass The Decemberists album for me this year. Maybe Bill Callahan's new one. Did I just damn this with faint praise?
  7. I once got an album before it was even recorded. It was awesome.
  8. Believe me, the last thing you need is a camel toe leaking.
  9. Does anyone really sit there and trawl through that site and then buy albums based on the reviews? Are people really that mindless? Also, what is it called Pitchfork for? That is a stupid name for a website. You may as well call it Testicle Wellington.
  10. Anyone get this month's Mojo, the one with Nick Drake on the cover? Great folk music cd on it from Island Records. Some stuff I knew and some I didn't but really enjoyed. Love the Jethro Tull track on it.
  11. Bring it on! After the encounter with the camel, I will totally kick Tweedy's ass!
  12. Has anyone ever ridden a camel? I did a couple of times in Israel, belligerent creatures who would more likely spit at you than anything else. Let me tell you, camel spit on a white t-shirt? The DEVIL to get out!!
  13. American Central Dust Some thoughts and ruminations a week or so into living with the new Son Volt album. I feel, more than the previous two albums, that this recording is a proper band record. Everyone is contributing strongly to the overall feel of the album and it seems like they feel part of a gang rather than punching the clock. Obviously, this comes across in the music and the songs are served all the better for it. I won't dissect every song but there are immediate highlights that spring to mind. This album had hidden depths that will reveal themselves over t
  14. So what? It still doesn't make it good. It's a terrible cover but you never know the music might make up for it. I liked the birdies on the last cover but the music eventually bored me, so you never know. The new Manics album has great artwork but I am betting the music is still as shitty and in love with itself as ever. So,like I say... you never know.
  15. Love teh Josh! Seen him 3 or 4 times as well and met him in a bar in Galway during a weekday and he chatted with us and had coffee and was just down to earth greatness. The wimmins swoon over him too but he makes such good music that I can forgive that!
  16. I love this show. I have been downloading each episode as soon as I can and am gonna keep them and watch the whole season in one fell swoop. Some asswipe tv controllers over here couldn't be bothered their arses to schedule it. Gimps.
  17. That's an awful cover, I hope the tunes inside it are better. That Wilco Song was pish though.
  18. I don't know if these were mentioned but if they were kudos to you, you have mucho bueno taste-o. Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street From my window I'm staring while my coffee grows cold By Joe Jackson I don't believe in an interventionist God, but I know darling that you do By Nick Cave.
  19. Some of this album is pretty good but a lot of it just passes me by. I thought this when I heard it first and reckoned I had to give it a lot more attention but have found that the more I listen to it, the more I want to listen to something else. I can't see myself playing this one a whole lot and probably not at all once winter's cold rushes in.
  20. This is a damn fine album. The best Son Volt since Jay re-ignited the band and crucially, the band sound like a band and not a bunch of session musicians. Great fiddle, steel and keyboards and I love the arcane references too such as The Sultana. This one will surely get more airtime in my house than Okemah or SBS. It is competing for major airtime with the Phoenix album.
  21. How fantastic is this!? On a side note, that Bob Dylan album....bit of a yawn eh? It never moves out of one paced for me.
  22. Oh Lord yes. And for me you can add that GBV stuff too.
  23. Caprica anyone? Really not a bad pilot and could turn out to be a decent series.
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