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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. The new one from Vetiver, Tight Knit. I really love this band, have seriously fallen for them over the past year and this one is just as gorgeous as the previous albums. So, new Dan Auerbach too? Must investigate.
  2. I was thinking the same thing myself. I meet people all the time who have no idea who Wilco are and they are just ordinary mopes. I am sure an incoming President would be a tad pre-occupied with other things rather than what "the kids are listening to". Unless it actually is members of Wilco bombing Gaza and then I am fairly certain that the NSA has briefed Obama on who they are. And they better watch out is all I'm saying.
  3. I have said before that I don't get the love for Animal Collective but fair play to them and let them at it. As for Vampire Weekend, I like the previous poster, tend to run a mile from "cool blog bands" as well but I must have heard the majority of their album on the radio over time and have found it head noddingly pleasant and quite all right. I like them in the way I like Destiny's Child singles. Nice to listen to when I am working but not something I would buy.
  4. I would just like to add that this is the very best Sc Fi series I have ever watched. Just finished watching the whole thing from the mini series movie up to the 10th episode of season 4 and am about to get started on the last few episodes this Tuesday. Just brilliant.
  5. I will always give the little dude a listen if only for his stellar run of albums in the 90's. Saw him twice and both shows were great. Complete fun, smiling and dancing. Good tracks on this preview. Love that There'll Never Be Another... song.
  6. Jaysus, I just read that link there and imagine flying across the Atlantic on one of Ryanair's jalopies!? I would keel over with DVT about halfway across!
  7. Worst airline going but cheap as chips so it has that going for it. Guaranteed to land you miles and miles away from where you actually want to go. Complete rip off bastards if bags are overweight. The CEO of the company is one tough, no nonsense hombre. Michael O'Leary, takes no shit. He should be Prime Minister here, get some of the crap sorted out.
  8. I am sure it will turn up somewhere for nothing if you wait long enough. Probably in a cereal box.
  9. In for a bit of a wait? I shall hold off till it is in the shops. I need an excuse to get a Blu Ray player though...
  10. Wifes are better off in the kitchens then.
  11. He may as well give it away because those songs keep getting worse the more I hear them. That one Life Itself is terrible. It sounds like he is trying to crowbar words into a different tune all together. I had to check to see if there wasn't some else playing on my computer while I listened to that song on Amazon.
  12. The Doves side, although I have been known to sing along very badly to Union Man.
  13. You may also hate them for their hairstyle, the type of car they drive and lots of other things. Sometimes you don't even need a reason! That's the beautiful madness of being a sports fan.
  14. What happened to the Fins? A gazillion errors against the Ravens after such a great regular season. Peyton Manning, smell ya later.
  15. Strictly a Pepsi man now from what I hear.
  16. I am going back to Revolutionary Road once more to enjoy it before Leo and that British bird fuck it up for me.
  17. Post season? What is this thing you speak of?
  18. I fucking love, love, love Hawks and Doves! There, I said it.
  19. Just now decided to give Pulp's This Is Hardcore a spin. I really like this one, way more than Different Class. The title track alone is worth the price.
  20. Gee, I wouldn't go that far. Yoko was nowhere near it after all.
  21. An absolute belter of an album. Very close to being the album of the year for me in '08. And the recent EP is almost as bloody good.
  22. Jesus, I am losing the will to live with all this malarkey..just put it out for feck's sake!
  23. I love Vetiver, their album Thing Of The Past was one of my very faves of this year.
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