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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Hows about some birthday love to Solace?
  2. I am playing an album right now and everytime I play it I think to myself why I don't play this guy a lot more cause he is great. Dave Alvin's King Of California.
  3. Pat Sansone is so tired of waiting for you.
  4. An invalid? Jaysus, that's a new low! You sure you aren't thinking of Louis Walsh?
  5. Yeah, could be worse. I could have watched X Factor on Saturday night. Oh well, I am sure someone would give me shit for owning Deep Purple albums and not owning an AC album. Such is life.
  6. I'm no Nino Rota, I don't know the score.
  7. It's good stuff, a bit all over the place style-wise but then again he needed a bit of a shake up. Definitely worth getting and giving it a real good listen. It took a few plays to sink in for me but it was worth it in the end.
  8. Oh my Christ...I have for sure gotten off this bus. New stuff sounds better? I have heard broken down fridges sound better than that. That was awful, seriously. Plus those gimps in front dancing to it, just to look hip...uggh. Oh well, can't like 'em all.
  9. Is it just Blur you are into or is it Damon and all his other stuff too? What did you think of that Good Bad Queen malarkey? Bored the tits off me I must say.
  10. Back for the final few episodes in January. Hurry up!!!
  11. That's great! I had never heard that.
  12. Robyn is a bloody treasure and should have his own stamp made up.
  13. I have been listening to the Water Curses EP. Am I missing something here? It sounds a bit like the Beta Band to me. Not likely to hold my attention to be honest but they seem to have critics and mags fawning over them.
  14. I was referring to Roll With It. Morning Glory is ok but it's no Definitely Maybe.
  15. Oh my Jeebus, I am having a stroke...
  16. It's been so long since I listened to it, I will bow to your superior knowledge.
  17. I don't know Buckcherry from a hole in the ground but I still like that Black Stone Cherry album.
  18. Two bloody awful songs though. That Blur album, The Great Escape, was fairly poor. Only The Universal saved it in any shape or form.
  19. Once again! This is being played to death here. By me anyway.
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