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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. I just don't get the adulation heaped on this band. They were really nothing special to me. Certainly no Husker Du.
  2. She does look like she would be dirty in bed though.
  3. No, I haven't. Telly or radio? Shit, something in the back of my head is saying a telly thing...broadcast a while back?
  4. I am with you. I watched it for the first time a few weeks ago. Cringeworthy stuff. She is just not funny, to me anyway. That black guy in the cast is unbearable too.
  5. Lamarr is a funny bastard. He was the best on Buzzcocks.
  6. Me and my friends are like, doublewhiskeycokenoice
  7. Any member of Hawkwind who is not Lemmy. Oh, sorry...you said great bands.
  8. I have no idea who he is or what he does but I will go out on a limb here and say he is total shite.
  9. Do you listen online? Any issues with material not being available to listeners overseas/in your area? I love Radio 4 and 6 Music but some live broadcasts are not available online in Ireland, even though I can listen to them thru the satellite television.
  10. I wouldn't go so far as to use fab...or any outdated Beatles superlative, like "gear" or"smashing". It is quite good though.
  11. I am obviously going to have a stroke shortly, I cannot see any difference in the skins.
  12. I am quite liking that British Sea Power album, the recent one. It is growing on me. Not a patch on the new Elbow album but still.
  13. I must say the new one isn't grabbing me at all. Not like RFC did anyway. Hoping that maybe more plays will sink it in for me.
  14. I download quite a bit but then at various times of the year I will go on a cd buying binge and buy up the ones that I really liked after downloading. On occasion, I will buy online. It works out cheaper for me to buy online actually what with the dollar/euro conversion thing. I would love to have kept all my vinyl and to this day I regret getting rid of it all.
  15. True enough. I really noticed this the other day though when on a plane to Spain and I heard "what doesn't kill ya makes ya more strong". I was cringing even before I received my airline brand coffee.
  16. That is a paltry number of songs really isn't it? I had toyed with the idea of going to this festival since it's inception but now I am just too old and ornery to rough it with the "cool kids".
  17. Yea he has been ending the show with a Beatles tune for a while now. Don't really see the point of that when he has so many great songs of his own but...Saw him earlier in the summer and it was brilliant from start to finish.
  18. Noelly G certainly took a dive there. He must have been crapping himself.
  19. TVOTR...top album. The new one really grabbed me first listen. So much great new music released this year.
  20. I'm with you. I adore The Stage Names. Really my first foray into Okkervil and it totally hooked me. The new one is fine and more of a grower for me I think. I also need to listen to it more closely but I am sure I will like it a lot.
  21. I think Solace is pretty spot on with his take on it. It doesn't suck nearly as bad as most of the 90's dreck they put out and the lyrics are cringe inducing but all in all it's a pretty ok album. Rob's bass playing is a nice touch too.
  22. I will enjoy it vicariously for all you Americanos.
  23. Holy Jesus fucking fuck....I cannot wait till the end of the month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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