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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Is the Two Ronnies "Fork Handles" sketch on there? If it ain't then it's bogus.
  2. Have to agree with my two learned friends that the album tends to die out after the first four tracks. But I love the shit outta those tracks. Electric Feel is totally a Prince rip off but at least it isn't a Tom Jones rip off or something equally hideous.
  3. Great band and a lovely album. Love to see them myself but the music will do for now.
  4. True Blue Omaha Nights To Die A Happy Man She Only Calls Me On Sunday We'll Get By Vagabonds
  5. Oh Jesus, there's a way to fucking hex it.
  6. I wouldn't call Cashley a c**t.....after all, a c**t is useful.
  7. Anyone thinking that the new Portishead album is a bit underwhelming?
  8. Sometimes I am ashamed to be Irish. Paddy's Day celebrations ruined in Dublin by drunken yobs rioting from 10 in the morning...kids as young as 10 hauled in by the cops, totally wrecked. Cars robbed and burnt out. A guy who was driving by, ripped out of his car and watched it burned on the spot. That same morning, on O'Connell Street, the main thoroughfare in the capital, three drunken assholes jump this young English student and beat the shit out of him and in the melee his pinky finger gets *ripped* off. A taxi driver, stabbed to death in his car by one of a pair of young people.
  9. Well, ex-cuuuuuuse me Mr. Big Important Frog....I only own the album. Oh and I am now overdosing on all things Michael Franti.
  10. Cool and the gang, sounds like fun!
  11. Oh I did that too, came back with some fine designer merchandise and a lot, I mean a lot, of cigarettes.
  12. More info please (hoping that this isn't a live sex show).
  13. Speaking of Minny Soda. No offence but I thought some of these were funny. Jeff Foxworthy on Minnesota : If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 18 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, you might live in Minnesota. If you're proud that your state makes the national news 96 nights each year because International Falls is the coldest spot in the nation, you might live in Minnesota. If you have ever refused to buy something because it's "too spendy," you might live in Minnesota. If your local Dairy Queen is closed f
  14. Unfortunately, the world needs a strong dollar too. A lot of Irish companies export to the USA and with the disparity in currencies it is making it difficult for exporters to sell their wares.
  15. I'd have to agree with the frog here, even though I hate amphibians.
  16. Anyone watching Mad Men on BBC 4? Great, stylish show. I believe it won a couple Emmys last year or something.
  17. In less than an hour I shall be liberally dousing it with Bulmer's ....several, in fact.
  18. I could have named them but Anal Man got there first. Scott and Brian no question.
  19. Well he was busy with the desert's very own Yoko Ono. So tough titties.
  20. Budvar is tremendous, I agree. Guinness, although not to my liking very much, is immeasurably better here than anywhere. No surprise really. But....Bulmer's rules them all. Like that ring in that movie. Probably called Magner's outside Ireland.
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