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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. The whole Cleveland thing would be a bit boring after a while I would think. Even American Dad only hits once in a while. You got to have Quagmire if you are gonna do a spin off. "Hey Meg, 18 yet?"
  2. OK, I have seen threads locked and sensed a general tension in the air. What has been going on here all week? Cliff notes? You people had a bitch slapping session and I don't get ONE pm, text or e-vite!!! You know, I don't even know why I bother putting on clean underpants for this place!
  3. Carnation not even in the top 5? You used to be cool man...
  4. Plus, she is totally knocked up so you would be safe as houses to go bareback.
  5. I went and it was awesome. He did The Terrorism Of Everyday Life show, which I mostly knew anyway but he was still on fire. The crowd, most of which had never seen him live before, loved every minute of it. He even gave me some ribbing about my Mets t shirt.
  6. I have no doubt that the majority of the population are declared RC. I am myself but I never go to church, have rejected religion and only use the church as a social event house for weddings, funerals etc. Like the majority of the country I imagine. The influence of the church in Ireland has totally disappeared from the times when the bishops could almost be said to be running the country. People like John McQuaid and his ilk. Good fucking riddance to them and their narrow mindedness and to their harbouring of kiddy fuckers.
  7. Well, go with what you know is my motto!
  8. That's why we never got Ruben Carter released. We had to get Bob Dylan to do it.
  9. Why? Compare living here in the 50's 60's and 70's and living here now. There is none. While we are not exactly Bangkok, we do hedonism and reckless living as well as anyone else.
  10. Tweedy! I will tear you limb from limb unless you play Charleston!
  11. I'm seeing Jason and his band next month and I cannot wait. So happy that someone decent decides to play in this little shit hole. I am dragging 4 buddies to it and hoping he gets a decent crowd. I was actually in the venue last night at Hamell On Trial and there was a few people ponying up for Isbell tickets so fingers crossed!
  12. Nope, I am five years older and twice as creepy!
  13. Dude. That is just under handed and uncalled for.
  14. I really like this new one.It seemed a bit strange at first, laid back as some have said, but is for sure a grower. I cannot get the "no love" for Magic Potion though, I really love that one.
  15. Edited: NSFW image linked here! http://www.zonicweb.net/badalbmcvrs/sensuousblackwoman.jpg Jeff will be making teh lurve to this album.
  16. Didn't I just say I had nothing more to say? Stop goading me! Well, one other thing, I would totally "do" Marketa.
  17. I love The Frames. That's all I have to say.
  18. Dude, you are totally looking in the wrong places. I know a guy.... SNL, fucking hell...is this weak ass "comedy" show even relevant anymore? Wilco don't exactly need the exposure but if they wanted to go on the show, fair enough but not to postpone a show for which people had already made plans and spent money.
  19. This is really such a shame. I have only read it in passing as it is difficult to get hold of here but I was always impressed by the fervour and passion that the editorial staff seemed to put into it. It was always serving the music and not anyone's ego. Very few "real" publications like that around and to lose it will be just another nail in the coffin of originality.
  20. Ha ha, I was only 5 when the decade started so I wasn't "out on the scene" too much. Damned child protection laws!
  21. Oh yes, Easter Parade is to die for. Such a shame he was basically unknown while he was alive. Some initial success and then drifting into jobbing around as a copy writer and worked on the Kennedy staff as a writer for a while too. Big push on this year to re-issue all his work and he has been heavily featured in a lot of Sunday supplements here over the last few weeks. Better late than never I suppose.
  22. I notice that every time it is your round you are off to the bog. Do they have that in Chicago? It should be required drinking for everyone.
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