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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. I think the author is correct to be honest. Every British band he mentions there and every one of the new American bands he name checks are fucking awful. Who in their right mind would think that Kaiser Fuckwits, Razorshite and Kasabollocks are worth anyone's time is beyond me.
  2. Really getting to like this band a lot. Their newer album, Small Miracles, is brilliant.
  3. I already put it back in it's box cause SOMEONE misled me in that other thread.
  4. It's would be a whole lot more entertaining at least. There is a high proportion of lesbians in Wicca right? Or am I just projecting my dreams?
  5. Please tell me that is some form of physical violence and not some weird sexual practice.
  6. I have no claim to fame insofar as seeing bands is concerned. The only half-notable thing was seeing Nirvana in a tiny club in Cork called Sir Henry's. Sonic Youth were also playing that night and it was so hot and crowded that I thought I was gonna die. My mate actually had a panic attack and had to leave! Lightweight...
  7. Very little love for Presence either? Very poor show, chaps!
  8. Seasons 1 through 4 every Monday night on FX, in preparation for the debuting of the final 5th season sometime in the New Year. Outstanding television.
  9. This was some great tv. I really enjoyed seeing the doc about The Madhouse On Castle Street.
  10. Let's cut her balls off then! Rubbish list of course, like every list these magazines print. Designed to court controversy and hopefully sell a few copies. I don;t know anything about that Clarkson album but I heard her perform that song live and the girl has got some pipes on her.
  11. I'd pay for it every time! If it was done right, that is. Want some Euro? Strong money, gringo.
  12. All Democrat love from the VC'ers. Fair enough and it looks like HRC is "the man" in that race but will most of conservative America vote for her? No one here reckon that the GOP can win the White House again? If it becomes a straight up fight between Clinton and Guiliani who will the ordinary American citizen vote for? I am guessing that Rudy would be the lesser of two evils, so to speak. Personally, I would vote for Ron Paul but since I can't that is a moot point.
  13. So, who is this Jospe dude? Glacier/Essox or whatever you call him? Back from the dead! Anyway, the new album is a real improvement over Thief, for me anyway. Thief didn't quite hold my interest after a while. This one seems to have a bit more oomph to it and I imagine in a live setting the songs will be fantastic.
  14. I hope it's better than the half assed Blessing was.
  15. I am sure it's just the novelty of the thing and when the cd comes out, it will be another fine Radiohead album. Which is all well and good but it's not gonna move the earth off it's axis.
  16. Fuck me, I am only one of two that voted for Justice. I love that album, probably the first thing I heard from the band and always brings bad good memories of walking to work and getting halfway there by the time Blackened was over.
  17. Word. It probably won't even be all that great anyway. Every R'head album I got, I played obsessively for a few days and then never played them again. Apart from The Bends and some of OK Computer.
  18. I bought this on the recommendations of so many music magazines and other media sources. What a heap of shite. Absolutely fucking unbearable.
  19. I think (s)he may have other things on his/her mind. Anyway, the list is ok for what it is worth but R. Kelly?
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