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Everything posted by Artifice

  1. The Smiths - Paint a Vulgar Picture At the record company meeting On their hands - a dead star And oh, the plans they weave And oh, the sickening greed At the record company party On their hands - a dead star The sycophantic slags all say : "I knew him first, and I knew him well" Re-issue ! Re-package ! Re-package ! Re-evaluate the songs Double-pack with a photograph Extra Track (and a tacky badge) A-list, playlist "Please them , please them !" "Please them !" (sadly, THIS was your life) But you could have said no If you'd wanted to You could have said no If you'd wanted to BPI, MT
  2. I'm currently working on a tracklist for a mix CD of indie beach(ish) songs - surfpunk, laid back, etc I do an annual beach trip with the in laws and I usually come up with a theme, but I'm stuck this year. I've got several current ideas (Surfer Blood, Washed Out, Little Joy, Girls, Soft Pack, etc), but not enough... What are some of your favorite indie tunes that go good with some sand, sun, friends and a cold beverage or twelve? (I'm trying to stay awaw from angry or too downer). The wayback machine is okay by me.. I just cant think of any today. Total mental block. Thanks! (I've al
  3. He's a 19 year old NYU student/intern for Matador records download it for free from his site: http://oberhofer.wordpress.com/2010/01/17/thanks/ I love oOOoOOo - great song. Kind of a laid back surf punk sound - like a lot of stuff I'm listening to lately.
  4. So is the consensus that if they dont remake funeral, then the songs aren't any good? Cause I'm wondering what you guys want. I like the title track even more than I did last night when I posted. It's a great song, albeit in a totally different mood. It seems like a natural, though unfortunate progression. I really like the line about wanting to show his daughter some beauty before
  5. Month of May definitely sounds like they are channeling the same 80s sound as TV on the Radio. At first, I though Suburbs was some kind of bland Decemberists take off, but its a very fast grower. I like it a lot. Yes very much.
  6. I wouldnt argue much of this technology versus that, but DLP only caught on because it scaled better in terms of the cost of the huge screen sets. The industry was shocked when it took off. It's a really fragile technology.. and here's the important part - you have to replace the bulbs every 2-4 years, depending on your viewing habits. That can get rather costly, very quickly (@ $70-$195 per bulb).... not to mention the color wheel and all the issues with it. It's a dying tech too - I think only Mitsubishi is left in the business. Stay far far away.
  7. Spend money on size and get a decent name manufacturer. The rest of the bells and whistles are mostly B.S. marketing, as you've already discovered. Please, please do not get suckered into paying an extra $200 or so for "widgets" or "apps" capabale TVs. They don't work well and you can duplicate their functions with a DVD player, PC, etc. I have a 42" Toshiba LCD and a 54" Panny Plasma. Like them both. I would be gushing all over the place about the plasma being the best bang for your buck for one of those monolithic sized sets, but there's this little issue with the autoengineered settings
  8. My unhealthy obsession with Soft Pack's Answer to Yourself enters week #3. I finally put Girls' Album in last weekend to break the monotony, but that song just suits my mood so well lately. I'm right back to it this week.
  9. I like Twin Cinema best. I am very nervous about being hugely disappointed by this one. Dunno when I'll buy it. First two tracks I've heard have been kinda duds.
  10. I hate when people use hyperbole to make a point that reality wouldn't support.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0RQnGhxZzg 40 Days Dream - Live @ The Regent This is a wonderful song. Absolutely love it. So does my 3 year old.
  12. Stewart made me laugh about it last night on TDS, even citing that Taibbi quote, but that's not enough. We're never going to see justice for the fraud these f@#king guys perpetrated, and instead must console ourselves with a reform bill that most of us don't understand and that will be as hard or harder than the healthcare bill to push through. It's tough to be a citizen most days. Makes you wanna just throw your hands up in despair. I can't even self medicate/check out, I have kids I gotta be there for.
  13. 1) Have heard 4 songs from it now. All... "meh". 2) I know I'm in the
  14. Apologies if a repost: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/17/business/17goldman.html U.S. Accuses Goldman Sachs of Fraud Brendan McDermid/Reuters The new Goldman Sachs global headquarters in Manhattan. By LOUISE STORY and GRETCHEN MORGENSON Published: April 16, 2010 Goldman Sachs, which emerged relatively unscathed from the financial crisis, was accused of securities fraud in a civil suit filed Friday by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which claims the bank created and sold a mortgage investment that was secretly devised to fail. The move marks the first time that regulators ha
  15. Weird. Ive been shopping there for years. Only negatives I've ever experienced were some bad green beans, some questionable produce (not all the time, just a handful of times, like my regular grocery store). They have a very limited selection, and its mostly frozen and dry goods. What they do have is very good quality and very very cheap. It's down the street from Trader Joe's. I'll regularly shop at both during the same shopping trip. Food is of similar/same quality. If you have kids, you can save a fortune shopping for things like cereal there. It's so much cheaper than even the store
  16. Oh what a gutpunch... just fucking awful. I am glad I got to see him in Atlanta 3 years ago. RIP Alex, you will be missed.
  17. I liked your story better than the movie. You're probably right about the quick shoots. Also recently seen: 500 days of Summer - Fell snugly into the dreaded "wanted to like it more than I did" category. I understand what it's trying to do, and I liked JGL, but I just didn't attach to it at any point, and I think I hated Zooey more than you're supposed to. After that one, I need a break from her for at least a month. The Hurt Locker - Film of the Year. What's that blurb on the cover, "nearly flawless"? Yep. Gripping, thought provoking, heart racing... had it all. Bigelow absolutely nai
  18. "Correction" = socializing losses via layoffs/recesssion/etc while profiteering fatcats count their dough. That's what we got anyway, via the TARP, and nothing's been done to correct the actual problem that caused the collapse. So, two sides are arguing about the same basic outcome and ignoring the problem. Typical.
  19. I'll just settle for indie rock in damn near every commercial... Arcade Fire, Grizzly Bear...
  20. Albums: Girls - Album (YAY!), Spoon - Transference (OKAY), Vampire Weekend - Contra (...MEH) Songs: # Julian Casablancas - 11th Dimension # Broken Bells - The High Road # Girls - Laura (for my son, who absolutely loves this one) # Little Joy - Next Time Around # Califone - Funeral Singers # Besnard Lakes - Albatross Solace, that Besnard Lakes track is A-mazing. It requires the right mood, but holy crap that's a transcendent, urgent sound. Love it. I also love the lower key stuff on there like Califone & Little Joy.
  21. My son is 3 and has loved music since the womb.. or so my wife swears. He likes about half of what we make him listen to, poor guy. Unsurprisingly, he loves Pop - anything remotely so. One of the reasons I like Edward Sharpe so much is because he was so into it. He loves Home & 40 days Dream. But then, the other night, he picked up his kiddie six string, that he holds like kinda inverted righty. He was strumming and singing "really wanna be your friend".. over and over.. Suddenly dawned on me that he was singing Girls - Laura. He's heard it maybe 3 times in the past few months. Must
  22. Wilco - Tennessee Theater, 1999 The first two rows were full. However many that is. 80 people? They'd just released Summerteeth.... Jeff joked about the promoter/venue not advertising the show, and they more or less got run off for smoking onstage. The only song I really remember was Passenger Side. I was drunk. It worked for me.
  23. The onion bit is funny, but there is a difference between personal subjectivity and claiming something as the best ever - which infers universal appeal. Hate to be a stick in the mud, but I see it debated here too often, and it's really not that confusing. If he had said "my favorite rock n roll song of all time"...
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