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Everything posted by jff

  1. Interesting. Pending further review, I'll have to conclude that this is because Peruvians are able to climb stairs much faster than Americans.
  2. I was amazed at some of the differences between flying in the US and flying in Peru. In Peru, they would bring out two stairways and load/unload passengers from the front and back of the plane. They got those planes loaded and unloaded in minutes. It seems like it takes close to an hour to get all the passengers on a plane in the US.
  3. That must've been a great field trip. My dad arranged for my Cub Scout pack to visit the hangar (must've been '81 or '82). We got to ride around on the tugs, which was tons of fun. No way that'd happen now. We also all got a big kick out of seeing the topless photos taped to most of the mechanics' tool chests.
  4. My dad worked for Delta and our extended family lived in Boston (we live in Atlanta), so I flew a lot as a kid in the '70s and '80s. I remember there always being loads of empty seats on the airplanes. They used to fly L-1011s, which were enormous compared to what they fly now. In coach, the L-1011s had five seats per row in the middle and two or three per row on either side. You could usually take your pick of the numerous entirely empty middle rows and stretch out or take a nap. I can't remamber the last time I was on a flight that had ANY empty seats. More often than not, they offer
  5. Sounds like your case has already been relic'd. Damn cats. One of mine who has shown no interest in me for weeks suddenly insisted on loving me up last night when I finally found some time to learn how to use my new drum machine.
  6. I want to participate in this thread but I don't even know where to begin. Every time I think I've decided on a pick for a decade, I think of something as good or better.
  7. That's strange. Maybe they think they're serving a different market than Guitar Center. One would think Best Buy would be offering great deals, at least at first, to pull in some of Guitar Center's customers.
  8. Some Best Buy stores are now full scale musical instrument stores. I've been trying to find a listing of locations, but their website is useless. The store near me does not sell instruments.
  9. SPOLIER ALERT Despite the cover imagery, at no point in this movie is a cruise ship taken down by giant octopus. This is more than made up for, however, by the antics of mega shark.
  10. I read an interview with their guitarist a couple months ago. He said Gustav had started working on material for a new album, but he wasnt' happy with it. Hopefully by now they're on track to put out something new. I'm looking forward to: Nels Cline Singers - Initiate Soft Power (Mary Timony's new band)
  11. Ted Nugent. If he had never existed, music would be exactly as it is. Journey to the Center of the Mind is cool, though.
  12. post of the year, and it's only January 7.
  13. It just means "no opening act."
  14. It'll be interesting to see how wearing the producer's hat on someone else's record influences the sound of the next Wilco record.
  15. I don't know the answer, but you have reason to be optimistic. In the past, I have had terrible (relatively speaking) seats that I purchased through pre-sales and great seats through the regular sale.
  16. Bummer that my cat knocked it off it's stand, flat onto it's frontside onto a hardwood floor the other night. Now I need to replace the broken nut and get the neck adjusted. Could've been a lot worse, I guess. If it was a Les Paul the headstock probably would have snappesd off from a fall like that.
  17. I'd check it out if it had a name that was safe for work.
  18. That is absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing.
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