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Everything posted by jff

  1. Even Bruce Springsteen admitted that the only live aspect of his (terrible) Super Bowl performance was the vocals.
  2. I'm glad I'm not the only who thought that was painfully obvious.
  3. More guitar solos? Demons and skulls on the album cover instead of poor quality band photos and primitive pen & ink drawings? Leather pants? Fun songs turn into displays of macho-ness (see: Black Flag...I blame Henry Rollins).
  4. jff

    Nels Cline

    Thanks to you and Nels for the head's up!
  5. jff

    Nels Cline

    I haven't received my copy yet. Is this something I should be aware of? Does the cd fly out of the case, or something?
  6. How do you know they sounded terrible if you didn't watch?
  7. One of those kids did an interview with Elvis Costello in Rolling Stone a few months ago. It was a surprisingly good read. The Jonas guy seemed levelheaded and knowledgable about music.
  8. Does Dukes of Stratosphere count?
  9. No. Ringo barely touches his crash cymbal in that song, and when he does, it is in a musical way...to add emphasis to the end of a verse/chorus, or accent the syncopation of the solo section, which he does in unison with the bass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNsmrd-aR1c Compare to Grohl's performance. I don't have a youtube clip, but during the last half of the song (I missed the first half, so maybe he did it all the way through) he hit the crash every four beats (or maybe it was every eight beats) without regard to what was happening in the tune.
  10. Totally. Grohl should know by now that hitting your crash cymbal every four beats is unmusical and annoying.
  11. Am I the only one who thinks Raising Sand is boring as all hell? I like Robert Plant, but he is full of shit. How many times now has he rehashed Zeppelin on tours with Jimmy Page, and aped the Zeppelin sound with his solo bands? There's no reason they HAVE to call themselves Led Zeppelin now that Jones is on board. If Plant would rather do something else as a musician right now and in the future, that's fine, but why not just say that?
  12. There are probably a lot of high school and college kids who get some cash when they graduate and attempt to live a romanticized life in a broken down winnebago on a quiet Hawaiian beach with nothing but sun, sand and surf, but then one day they wake up with a laundry list of STDs and/or drug habits. These are the people who are going to be coming back.
  13. It is if you've seen Year of the Horse on the big screen.
  14. Ricky Wilson on the first two or three B52s albums.
  15. Yeah, he's on that terrible '80s Live in Europe concert video.
  16. That's a bummer. I always got the impression that Neil wanted Buffalo Springfield to get back together. He always had such high praise for Dewey and for Bruce Palmer.
  17. Any of this stuff: Or perhaps any ride cymbal Tony Williams used in the '60s.
  18. "Critics said the proposal to give homeless a ticket back to the mainland could be easily abused with homeless coming to Hawaii on vacation on one-way tickets knowing they can get a free ride home." What?
  19. I made one of these out of cardboard and brought it to school on the bus when I was in seventh grade. My peers treated me like a hero that day. By lunchtime it had been taken away by my bitch science teacher Miss Pugh and I never got it back.
  20. jff

    Nels Cline

    Another review, this time from Downtown Music Gallery's email list: NELS CLINE - Coward (Cryptogramophone 141; USA) Featuring daredevil guitar god Nels Cline on acoustic & electric guitars, effects, autoharp & zither-things and assorted devices too numerous to mention. Although ace guitar wizard, Nels Cline's career stretches back some thirty years (first recording, 1979), this is Nels' first full-length solo guitar effort. There have been a number of duo efforts (E. Sharp, Thurston Moore, Vinny Golia & Carla Bozulich), as well as lots of trio discs (his original trio, Ne
  21. John McLaughlin on Miles Davis' Tribute to Jack Johnson (also, funkiest and most badass bass tone ever) Ted Nugent's unaccompanied single note intro to the guitar solo in the Amboy Dukes' "Journey to the Center of the Mind" Steve Howe Steve Cropper
  22. Looks every bit as stupid as all his other guitars circa Van Hagar-present.
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