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Everything posted by jff

  1. I wouldn't go that far. For an instrumental album, Surfing with the Alien was an enormous hit. Steve Vait didn't have anything to do with that. I agree about his music, though. It's pretty bland. I've never heard the Satriani or Coldplay songs in question, so I guess Thanksgiving comes twice this year.
  2. Oh yeah, I had heard of that but I've never heard it. I'm not very good with acronyms, I guess. I saw Phish a four or five times in the Picture of Nectar through Hoist era. I saw them do a few of those songs. AC/DC Bag definitely. I'm pretty sure I saw them do Wilson, and maybe also Possom and Sloth. I didn't know those tunes, though, so I only remember that based on post-concert conversation with my friends who were more knowledgable fans. Anyway, turning this back towards debut albums... Lots of good stuff others have mentioned that I overlooked... VU & Nico, B52s, Violent Fe
  3. Interesting info. I'm learning all sorts of things about Phish today. What is TMWSIY? Good call on Pink Floyd/Piper. I'm surprised I didn't have that one on my list.
  4. Thanks for the compliment. I don't know where you are, but I live in Atlanta and would be happy to get together sometime. Usually I don't enjoy making or reading lists, but it's nice to be reminded of how many great albums there are. It's also interesting to realize how many bands/artists put out debuts that were vastly different (like Alice Cooper) and/or inferior (like David Bowie) to their later work. So, Junta is Phish's debut? I always thought Lawn Boy was their first. I guess that makes sense, seeing how much more focused Lawn Boy is than Junta (Lawn Boy has none of the "Rea
  5. I've never given this any thought, but off the top of my head... 1. King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King 2. Cream -Fresh Cream 3. Tony Williams Lifetime - Emergency 4. Traffic -Traffic 5. Breeders - Pod 6. Mothers of Invention - Freak Out! 7. Talking Heads - '77 8. Television - Marquee Moon 9. Alice Cooper - Pretties for You 10. Gang of Four - Entertainment 11. Polvo - Cor Crane Secret 12. Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Safe as Milk 13. Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables 14. Aerosmith - Aerosmith 15. Firehose - Ragin' Full On 16. NRBQ - NRBQ 17. Police -
  6. I didn't like Cryptograms, or either of their shows I saw back when they were just another small-time-nobody Atlanta band opening for other small-time-nobody bands in shithole Atlanta clubs. I really like the tunes I've heard so far on Microcastle, though. So much so that I ordered their cd yesterday.
  7. During the late pre-Nels era, we took a Wilco poster to an arts/crafts store to be framed. A young girl (mid teens probably) with a Strokes shirt on complimented our poster and said she likes Wilco. Also, there's a person who parks their car in the same deck as me in downtown Atlanta that has two Wilco stickers on the back of their car.
  8. Minor Threat Minor Threat Minor Threat It's funny how great I thought they were when I was a teenager, but in hindsight even the Beastie Boys "Pollywog Stew" holds up better.
  9. Didn't Red Hot Chili Peppers do this, too? EDIT: Wait, I'm wrong. They have a song where they sing "We're the Red Hot Chili Peppers", but it's not called Red Hot Chili Peppers. They havent achieved the trifecta, they're just overly self referential...kind of like the Beastie Boys and virtually every other rap act.
  10. If you bought an external harddrive would that speed up your older computer?
  11. I saw Lloyd a couple months ago. He is a great guitar player, and Billy Ficca on the drums? Fuck yeah. Based on some of the things he says in interviews it doesn't seem like he's thinking straigt. Not that there's anything wrong with that, necessarily.
  12. I never thought of it that way, but that is a totally fair and accurate description of their music.
  13. I loved Gish, and really wanted these guys to be great. I saw them in a club and they were as about good as I hoped they'd be. Then I saw them on Lollapalooza and they were absolutely horrible. Maybe they were having a bad night, but that killed any interest I had in them. Some time after that (or maybe slightly before), they did a headline tour of medium sized theaters. My friend's band was booked to open for them for two or three nights (the drummer from the band was a old friend of Jmmy Chaimberlain's, I think). After the first night, Corgan had a major fit and refused to play the
  14. I saw them live a couple years ago. Yeah, totally shameless rip-off, but they're REALLY good at it, and at least they admit they're ripping off the Beach Boys. I haven't heard any of their recordings yet. The only things that come to mind from this year that I've bought are: Dungen - 4. These guys seem to have been forgotten after the hype of Ta Det Lundt (or whatever) wore off, but I think everything they've put out since then has been excellent, even most of the Life on Earth spin-off band. McCoy Tyner - Guitars. This one is still new to me, but so far I'm really enjoying it. Ki
  15. No problem. I admit the Loog Oldham thing was a bit rash, and maybe "terrible" was too strong a word to describe Dylan's radio voice. That's probably going a bit too far on both counts. I still think Tom Petty has the best show on XM/Sirius, though.
  16. I didn't say I can't understand a word he's saying. I said I can almost never hear him. That's because his voice is too muddled to be heard over the totally normal and ordinary background noises in my house and car. I've listened to his show in my house and in my car. I found him very difficult to hear in both situations. Perhaps that is a production issue that has since been corrected. I wouldn't know, I stopped tuning in since it took too much effort to hear him. When I have been able to hear him, he's been pretty interesting. I recall him talking about merr during a christmas epi
  17. Andrew Loog Oldham's show is better than Bob's, too.
  18. Bob has a terrible voice for radio. I can almost never hear what he's saying. He plays good stuff, though. Usually. All in all, Tom Petty's Buried Treasure is a better show.
  19. Have you listened to November Rain yet this month?
  20. Those bastards didn't do a cool poster for any of the shows I've been to.
  21. Paul's a super talented guy, no doubt. He's probably more gifted than John in terms of melodicism, harmony, etc. And he's certainly more gifted than John as an instrumentalist. However, when it comes to songs written during their respective solo careers I think the scales tip in John's favor based on the entire Plastic Ono Band album, Instant Karma, Cold Turkey, Imagine and two or three additional tunes. Maybe Beautiful Boy, Watching the Wheels, etc. I intend to dig into Paul's career soon. I'm sure I've overlooked a lot of Paul's gems, but I doubt I'll feel that it stacks up to Len
  22. I never payed much attention to Paul's solo career. What are his great post-Beatles songs? I know Maybe I'm Amazed, two or three Wings songs and a few terrible songs (Silly Love Songs, Ebony and Ivory), but that's about it.
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