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Everything posted by jff

  1. I probably won't get online tomorrow, so I'm going to break the rules of my own thread. Camper Van Beethoven (tomorrow). They've long been on my list of bands I wanted to see, and now I finally get to see them.
  2. Just got it yesterday (on white vinyl, which was a pleasant surprise) and only listened once so far, but it's fantastic. I saw her open for St. Vincent last year. I had never heard of her at that time, but I could tell her records would be worth checking out.
  3. Just finished this one. This would probably have made a great feature length magazine article, but as a book it was maddeningly repetitive. I was hoping for some interesting sociological analysis, but it was mostly the author and a bunch of other people talking about how they've been treated like crap to varying degrees.
  4. Music aside, I hope I age that little in 21 years.
  5. I had to give it more time and I already liked Wilco. I probably still need to give it more time. It's probably safe to say that there's buried treasure in there that I have not discovered yet.
  6. I did not know about that band or album. When I read that post, I thought it was just an album title. My mistake, sorry!
  7. ? Nothing personal, but this is one of my pet peeves.
  8. Earl Slick and Tony Visconti are both on record stating that the album is very much a rock record, and the song that was released was not representative of the album as a whole.
  9. Most of the albums I think are perfect have segments that probably would not stand on their own apart from the album. For example, David Bowie's Hunky Dory. There is a fair amount of experimentalism and fiddling around on the record on the lead-ins to a track or two that I enjoy as part of the album. It gives it a mysterious aura, for lack of a better phrase, but on their own these segments would probably sound like drivel.
  10. I like January because it's not Christmas season yet.
  11. I respect the idea of record store day, but the one time I went into a record store on RSD, it was so annoying I turned around and walked out. I'm glad they were making sales, but I don't like crowded stores. Even if they weren't sold out of the few things I had hoped to find, the line was so long I probably would have passed on it.
  12. For some bands, this could be a backwards way of getting people to go to shows. Often there are things on merch tables that you can't find in stores.
  13. I hope this wil be good. I'm seeing them for the first time in a couple weeks, and I assume they'll be playing a lot of songs off of this.
  14. I'm thrilled that he's back.
  15. The only thing I know about MItchell is that they are the store brand for Guitar Center and they are not solid wood. The Epiphone has a solid spruce top. Of those two options, my preference would be for the Epiphone. I agree that the Seagull is a deep sounding guitar. You can get a brighter sound out of it by playing closer to the bridge, so in a way, it's a very versatile guitar in terms of tone options.
  16. Seagulls are made in Canada. Epiphones are made in China. Surely that accounts for some, if not all of the price difference.
  17. Not necessarily higher string action, but higher string tension. There are a lot of Seagulls out there. You could probably find a used one in your price range. Fender has never really been known as one of the better acoustic guitar makers. I'd recommend looking at Epiphone and Yamaha acoustics before Fender.
  18. I assume you meant to say "I would NOT spend less than $500. Anything under that will not be good." However, some of the guitars you recommended are in the $400 range, such as the Seagull S6 and some of the Epiphone Masterbuilt guitars. I've had a Seagull S6 since the early '90s and it's a beautiful instrument that has held up very well. I still like the old fashioned method: Get a friend who plays guitar to spend a day with you and go to as many music stores as you can. Try out everything you can afford, and have your friend play them as well. On that note, try out some that are way
  19. Van Halen and Kool and the Gang was a pairing that, surprisingly, made a lot of sense. Fun as shit concert. I was expecting to be lukewarm on the Fiona Apple concert, but it kicked my ass, as I've mentioned numerous times on this forum. Possibly the quietest and loudest concert I've ever seen. I'm very impressed when a band can do that in a musical way.
  20. Van Halen/Kool & the Gang Fiona Apple
  21. I thought Michael Lee was perfect with Page/Plant.
  22. Not saying he's a bad drummer, but he is physically very robotic. I'm basing that only on the Stairway performance with Heart. I haven't seen Celebration Day yet.
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