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Everything posted by bjorn_skurj

  1. I have a feeling that in my town, this is my apartment and no, you can't come over.
  2. Why would they walk away from the best gig any of these dudes have ever had? Unless Jeff's TV career takes off ...
  3. My fiancee was at that show. Forgive me for tooting my own horn a bit, but I wrote about Pete in my editorial last week - scroll down if you don't care about Kingston politics: http://www.kingstonx.com/2014/01/31/editorial-whose-department-heads-are-they-anyway/
  4. You jest, but Western Mass. is really freaking nice.
  5. I'd buy it at a garage sale.
  6. http://www.nicoledelawder.com/post/74870775340/pete-and-wilcos-jeff-tweedy-performing-a-benefit
  7. As someone who's literally lived the vast majority of his life within walking distance of the Hudson River, I'll say he's a saint. The Clearwater fundamentally changed the relationship our community has with the river; when he started his work the Hudson was basically an open sewer avoided by everyone. Now it's a source of pride that one can actually swim in.
  8. I am hoping to actually attend the 2015 one - we had other things going for the previous ones.
  9. No - it's shut down all week for like 10 blocks or so until the game. I can only imagine the anger.
  10. Many of us in the Northeast are hoping that it will snow like all hell that day. And I cannot believe they're shutting down Broadway in Midtown for this shit.
  11. Looking forward to this one - a great offense versus a great defense. Many of us up here are hoping for a little seasonal weather to make it even more special. With Denver at -2 or -3, I'd take Seattle, especially with Denver at -3.
  12. I don't know if Ms. Andrews was happy, sad or abiding in equanimity over the interview, hence the use of the word "if." She did handle it professionally. Since so much of sports journalism is the unscrutinized and uncritical processing of all the disingenuous, boring, repetitive stuff jocks say because that's what they're expected to say, that's why I don't take the vast majority of it seriously at all.
  13. Live this one rips and gives Nels a chance to shine.
  14. I have to say, after watching sports for three decades and listening to jocks say the same prepackaged BS throughout those three decades, anytime an athlete deviates from the script is a time I like. And if Erin Andrews is somehow upset by the fact that she got a different interview than what she expected (don't get me started on how for the most part "sports journalism" is an oxymoron), then she's really in the wrong line of work.
  15. You might think he would expect it at this point. Plus, it keeps you on your game.
  16. I think there's a Who song which would cover that scenario - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0iA_rOcn9Y
  17. We are working on a legal-weed-in-NY story for the Jan. 23 edition.
  18. Just to freak out my fiancee, I wanted to leave a Google search for "journalism jobs in Colorado" up on my computer screen where she would see it.
  19. He's a mad dog. If Kaiser George were still alive, Alex might find himself the victim of an accident.
  20. I am never leaving New York for any other state, except maybe Colorado or Washington.
  21. Thanks for another racist, hate-filled ...
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