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Everything posted by bjorn_skurj

  1. Thanks man. My latest on the Kingston High School bond was an OpEddy tour de force. One of the most amazing things about seeing the Cirque de Soleil Beatles thing in Vegas was the experience of hearing their music on a really loud and really really good sound system.
  2. Being free from the strictures of conformity is good. Even better is being free from the strictures of non-conformity so you can like what you like, regardless of how popular or not it is. I think I have exquisite taste in music, but I know that only applies to the space between my own ears.
  3. I envision it as a pyramid, with The Beatles at the top, as their music makes me feel happy in a way that no other music does. Wilco is on the next level, alongside Sabbath, Zep, Floyd, Gabriel-era Genesis and The Clash. Quite a bit on Level 3 - A Tribe Called Quest, Beastie Boys, The Band, Collins-era Genesis, the Dead, etc. But yeah, The Beatles now and forever at the top, above all others.
  4. MMJ is legal in New York - I saw them at SPAC this summer!
  5. Like, Albert Camus/The Myth of Sisyphus absurd, or absurd as in a Monty Python sketch?
  6. It is quantified through empirical observation of length of head and facial hair. 1988 (upper right, in the tie dye) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=32809848848&set=pb.590633848.-2207520000.1385062016.&type=3&theater 2006 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=32809788848&set=pb.590633848.-2207520000.1385062030.&type=3&theater
  7. It's a vicious cycle. Perhaps Obama could win back some of his lost popularity by setting up a program of federal subsidies for drugs and alcohol. There could be a website.
  8. Probably better to just give them drugs and alcohol directly and cut out the middleman.
  9. Jimmy looked a lot younger when he gave that speech.
  10. I saw them at least three times back in the '80s. I wonder if the deceased was the guy who gave me a very dirty look when, during a show in late autumn of 1986 at Vassar, I yelled "Let's go Mets!" after he introduced the band as being from Boston.
  11. I'm in here somewhere. http://www.kingstonx.com/2013/11/01/keegan-ales-halloween-party-costume-pics-gallery/
  12. One of my personal favorite eBay purchases was the complete set of original Squad Leader games, gamettes and supplemental boards and other material (in used but good condition) for like $200. Playing war is fun, but actually being in one sucks major choad. I imagine it's like the worst campout ever combined with the opening scenes of "Saving Private Ryan."
  13. Let the kid grow up and be a kid. Start a punk band. Sleep on floors. Play shows in people's basements.
  14. This reminds me of something a guy I used to work with said about a top IBM executive who gave him a hard time once while my friend was janitor-ing: "He shits out of his asshole, just like everybody else."
  15. "Speak Into the Rose" - Stockade Tavern, Kingston, N.Y.
  16. Aqualung my friend, don't you blah blah blah blah blah blah
  17. I'm sorry man, but if you didn't think any of that was funny, then your sense of humor needs a look-see by a certified professional.
  18. Hey, why don't we take a break from endlessly debating the motives of a dude none of us have ever even met and read this? http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-6-weirdest-things-weve-learned-since-911/
  19. My take on Zimmerman is that he's a pathetic schlub who let the power of carrying a weapon really get to his head. He's a walking example of how NOT to comport one's self while armed.
  20. Afghanistan is a nut which will not ever be cracked by traditional U.S. nation-building techniques. They do not want our law or our ways there.
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