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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. No I get it...I also get when you have an emergency you do what you have to do. I guess she could have asked the waitress if it is alright if they use the bathroom first . I also think I would be hard pressed to find someone who didn't at least once in their lives use a bathroom and not make any purchases. Also, I wouldn't call it non-public...a restaraunt is a public place...a non public place to me would be a place not meant for the general public... nursing home, a club (VFW etc)...
  2. Ha yeah stick it to those "squatters"
  3. http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/woman-tracked-down-and-busted-for-using-restaurant-s-customers-only-bathroom-204931199.html Wow..I am guilt as charged too then as I don't always frequent places when you got to go! But as noted the biggest issue was the police giving out personal info...wowza!
  4. Nice..I am planing on going Friday!
  5. oye..don't need anything to enjoy the concert...its not really that type of crowd...but whatever floats your boat.
  6. Seen them probably 6 times since 2002. I saw them last July in Phili..there shows are unlike any other band! GO! Hearing song 8 (They usually always close with this) from () will blow your socks off!
  7. Just picked up a ticket for the Brooklyn show...anyone else going?
  8. If you go I would be curious for a review since Dan left the band recently...btw their drummer is a hoot!
  9. Awesome! They changed the songs around a little live. I really am digging them now. Lonerism is my favorite album of 2012..catch them if you can I think they are going on a big climb and will be playing much larger venues shortly! Here is a brief review... http://houselist.bowerypresents.com/2013/02/20/tame-impala-take-sold-out-crowd-on-unpredictable-trip/
  10. ha ha...going stelth I presume....back when I was a ute I used to bring in my handheld tape recorded to record the concerts I went to..I only recorded them for my personal enjoyment after the show...anyhoo I was recording a Weezer show in 1997 and it got confiscated....
  11. I saw the Black Keys open for Radiohead for two shows back in 2006..back in the old days...
  12. Ahh yea some ones I missed for sure...I agree with Open Mind...didn't think of Muzzle. Pieholden Sure...
  13. posted that a few spots up...interesting lineup...Mccartney, ZZtop, Bjork, Tame Impala, Petty, Foals..
  14. Bonnaroo..I see is confirmed http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2013/02/weird_al_curren.html
  15. I agree..saw the band with Jay 2 times...saw Jay solo once...he was such a nice dude...talked with him 2 of the 3 shows I saw. I really liked what he added to the live show.. Here is a little nice thought about Jay...I was attempting to get my being There cd signed by the whole band...he said who are you missing...I told him and he and Bob Egan got it signed for me by everyone who didn't sign!
  16. I am sure this is up for interpretation but Wilco likes the love songs (not counting Mermaid)..Here is what i think off the top of my head are Wilco's songs that address love in some form or other...Thoughts..agree, disagree? Others not mentioned? AM 1) I Thought I Held You 2) Should've Been in Love 3) Blue Eyed Soul? 4) Too Far Apart (trying to make love work?) Being There 1) Far, Far Away 2) Forget the Flowers 3) I Got You 4) Say You Miss Me 5) Someday Soon??? 6) Was I In Your Dreams? Summerteeth 1) Can't Stand It 2) We're Just Friends 3) I'm Always in Love 4) My Darling YFH 1) I
  17. Hate snow and hate the bad weather..I am here in NJ and during major storms I work at the office of emergency management. I am dreading any storm because 1) I have to drive in it to get to the OEM 2) I can be gone for days... During Sandy I was working double shifts for 12 days non stop. After it is all done I feel good that I was able to help but being away from the fam and the nights of interupted sleep takes me days to recover!
  18. I am strangely old school when it comes to the mail. I buy everything under the sun online but not stamps I also like to drop off packages at physical locations..
  19. I wonder if the retail will still be open Sat? What do you do if you work a typical 9-5 if you want to mail a package or buy stamps?
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